
Hill of Banchory geothermal energy project: feasibility report

Report of a study which explored the potential for a deep geothermal heat project at the Hill of Banchory, Aberdeenshire.


Elizabeth McAlpine provided highly effective administrative and organisational support to the consortium at our meetings in Banchory and Edinburgh.

The consortium members appreciate the support and assistance of Johann MacDougall, of the Scottish Government's Heat and Energy Efficiency Unit.

Professor Victor Mocanu of the University of Bucharest for loaning a gravity meter at cost and for help in the field.

Euan Johnston, graduated with an MSc in Geophysics from the University of Aberdeen in 2015, helped with the magnetic field acquisition as did Dr. Alistair McCay (University of Glasgow) and Goodluck Anudu, a PhD student in geophysics at the University of Aberdeen.

Dunecht and Leys Estate are thanked for their cooperation and interest.


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