HL1 user information

Data specification and guidance for data providers of the HL1 homelessness data return.



Questions affected 

January 2023 Updated guidance on actions taken to prevent homelessness. Text corrected to more accurately reflect validation process. 21b
November 2022 Updated guidance on local connetion due to legislative change (coming into force on 29 November 2022) 20c and 20d
September 2022

Consolidation of output specification and guidance notes documents

Addition of response options relating to:


Eligibility for assistance

Full postcode of last settled address

To align with the 2022 Census and the new SHR data requirements on ethinicity and to allow monitoring of Ukrainian displaced persons following the 2022 Russian invasion.

10, 10b and 15

March 2020 Validation for 16a cirrected to account for additional options in 14 14 and 16
April 2013



Reason for failing to maintain accommodation

Reasons for support need

Duty discharge action

Accommodation following final discharge

Housing support regulations

10, 14a, 16b, 20b, 22, 23, 23a and 23b

December 2012 Abolition of the priority need test 17 and 20a


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