
HL1 user information

Data specification and guidance for data providers of the HL1 homelessness data return.

21. Application outcome


Variable name: CONTACT


Was contact with the applicant maintained until the local authority’s duty was discharged (or interim accommodation provided)?


Numeric, one digit.



Contact with applicant lost before LA duty discharged


Contact with applicant maintained until discharge of LA duty



  • mandatory after closure for cases assessed as homeless, threatened with homelessness or not homeless
  • should be answered if, and only if, the answer to question 17 is 1,2,4,5 or 7


This question must be answered for all cases where an assessment decision was made (that is the answer to question 17 was 1-7).

If the applicant died before the local authority discharged its duty, please give the answer 1 (i.e., lost contact before discharging duty).

If the case has been closed by the provision of non-permanent accommodation under regulation 4, then record as 2, even though the authority has not yet discharged its duty.

If the case has been closed by the provision of non-permanent accommodation under regulation 5, then record as 2, even though the authority has not yet discharged its duty. Where contact is lost after the offer of non-permanent accommodation, this should be reflected in the answer to question 23 (outcome ‘Not Known’).

If the application was withdrawn, or homelessness was resolved with no action from the local authority, then record as 2, as the authority has fulfilled its duty to the applicant.

21a. Was the local authority duty discharged before the applicant become homeless?


Variable name: DUTYDIS


Record if the local authority discharged duty before the applicant became homeless.


Numeric, one digit.



Not applicable (answer to 17 was NOT “threatened with homelessness” and/or answer to 21 was “contact with applicant lost before LA duty discharged”)







  • must be 0 or 1 after closure for cases assessed as threatened with homeless if contact was maintained until the duty was discharged
  • must 0 or 1 be answer if and only if both the following conditions apply: the answer to question 17 is 4 or 5; and the answer to question 21 is 2


This question is to be answered for all applicants who were assessed as threatened with homelessness and with whom the local authority maintained contact until the case was closed (that is those for whom the answer to question 17 is 4, 5, or 6, and for whom the answer to question 21 is 2).

21b. Actions taken to prevent homelessness occurring


Variable name format: PRVNT1X


For applicants assessed as threatened with homelessness or not homeless, the actions taken to prevent homelessness occurring. Note that this question is optional if the applicant is assessed as not homeless, although it may be used to record actions that are taken, even though no duty is owed to such applicants under the homeless persons legislation.

13 variables: each record whether the specific action was taken.

Variable Variable name Category



Assessment of support needs



Basic housing support (e.g. to manage finances or living alone)



Provision of independent financial, legal or housing advice



Assistance in dealing with landlords/mortgage providers



Assistance in claiming benefits



Assistance in maintaining or finding employment, education or training



Direct financial assistance



Use of rent deposit / guarantee scheme



Assistance with costs for "essential goods"



Assistance with any addictions



Involvement of Social Work or Health/Community Care services



Other services, such as counselling, mediation, befriending or mentoring



Assistance in finding alternative accommodation


Numeric, one digit each.

Response Code
Not applicable BLANK
No 0
Yes 1


  • must be 0 or 1 after closure for cases assessed as threatened with homeless. Optional after closure for cases assessed as not homeless
  • must be 0 or 1 if the answer to question 17 was 4 or 5. May be answered if the answer to question 17 was 7


Question 21b should be answered for all applicants assessed as threatened with homelessness. It may also be answered for applicants assessed as not homeless, where the authority wishes to demonstrate actions have been taken, even though there was no duty for them to do so. All actions from the list that apply should be recorded.

Various sections of the Code of Guidance for Homelessness discusses the prevention of homelessness. The list below gives examples of circumstances in which each of the actions may be taken. Authorities will probably be able to find many other examples, and should fit them into the appropriate category:

  • paragraph 4.43 (and others) covers support needs and links with community care assessments. A thorough assessment should be provided for all applicants eligible for assistance (option 1)
  • paragraphs 2.90 and 2.91 provide examples of when assistance with independent living skills / basic housing support may be appropriate (option 2)
  • paragraphs 2.84 (financial advice), 2.19 (legal advice under the Matrimonial Homes (Family Protection) (Scotland) Act), and 2.59 (legal advice on dealing with an eviction) provide examples of the forms of independent advice available (option 3)
  • paragraph 2.83 cover an example of assistance on dealing with landlords (option 4)
  • paragraph 2.84 covers assistance on dealing with mortgage lenders (option 4)
  • paragraph 2.65 mentions assistance in claiming benefits (option 5)
  • paragraphs 2.99 to 2.101 mentions assistance in finding or maintaining employment or training. Assistance in finding or maintaining education would also be covered by this option (option 6)
  • paragraph 2.95 provides for the possibility of direct financial assistance to applicants (option 7)
  • paragraph 2.98 covers rent deposit / guarantee schemes (option 8)
  • paragraph 2.24 and 2.72 mentions the option of referral to drug or alcohol counselling services (option 10)
  • paragraphs 2.30, 2.52, 2.72, 2.78, 2.79, 2.87 and 2.89 cover the involvement of social work, health and community care services (option 11)
  • paragraphs 2.93 and 2.94 covers some ‘other’ services, which may be provided for the building or rebuilding of social bonds (option 12)

22. Duty disharge action taken by authority


Variable name: LASTACT


Action taken by local authority which the authority deems to constitute the discharge of its duty to the applicant, or the closure of the case (at least in terms of the HL1).


Numeric, two digits maximum.



Not applicable (answer to question 21 was “Contact with applicant lost before LA duty discharged” (1))


Applicant offered LA / RSL Scottish Secure Tenancy within LA - Accommodation taken up


Applicant offered LA / RSL Scottish Secure Tenancy within LA - Accommodation not taken up


Applicant offered private sector Assured Tenancy - Accommodation taken up


Applicant offered private sector Assured Tenancy - Accommodation not taken up


Applicant offered temporary accommodation, advice and assistance - Accommodation taken up


Applicant offered temporary accommodation, advice and assistance - Accommodation not taken up


Applicant referred to other LA (under 87 Act)


Applicant offered advice and assistance only (including measures to retain previous accommodation)


None of the other responses


Applicant offered housing support in non-permanent accommodation under regulation 4 of The Homeless Persons (Provision of Non-Permanent Accommodation) (Scotland) Regulations 2010 - Accommodation taken up


Applicant offered housing support in non-permanent accommodation under regulation 4 of The Homeless Persons (Provision of Non-Permanent Accommodation) (Scotland) Regulations 2010 - Accommodation not taken up


Applicant offered short Scottish Secure Tenancy (other than below) - Accommodation taken up


Applicant offered short Scottish Secure Tenancy (other than below) - Accommodation not taken up


Applicant offered short Scottish Secure Tenancy under paragraph 5A of schedule 6 of the 2001 Act – Accommodation taken up


Applicant offered short Scottish Secure Tenancy under paragraph 5A of schedule 6 of the 2001 Act – Accommodation not taken up


Applicant offered section 7 tenancy with support – Accommodation taken up


Applicant offered section 7 tenancy with support – Accommodation not taken up


Applicant offered Short Assured Tenancy under regulation 5 of The Homeless Persons (Provision of Non-Permanent Accommodation) (Scotland) Regulations 2010– Accommodation taken up


Applicant offered Short Assured Tenancy  under regulation 5 of The Homeless Persons (Provision of Non-Permanent Accommodation) (Scotland) Regulations 2010  - Accommodation not taken up



  • mandatory after closure
  • should be answered if, and only if, the answer to question 21 is 2
  • if answer to question 17 is 1, then warning if answer is 5, 6, 8, 9 or 14-17
  • if answer to question 17 is 2, then warning if answer is 7-9
  • if answer to question 17 is 4, then warning if answer is 9 or 14-17
  • if answer to question 17 is 5, then warning if answer is 7 or 9
  • if answer is 1, 12 or 14 then answer to question 23 must be 1 or 15
  • if answer is 3 then answer to question 23 must be 5
  • if answer is 18 then answer to question 23 must be 16
  • if the answer 10 then question 23a must be 1, 4 or 6


This question must be answered for all applicants with whom the local authority maintained contact until the case was closed (i.e., all cases where the answer to question 21 is 2).

Note that this question is about the action taken by the local authority. If the applicant found themselves accommodation (either based on advice and assistance provided or not) then this is not recorded here – the final housing outcome is recorded at question 23.

Where accommodation has been offered, a different response is required depending on whether the applicant took it up.

If advice and assistance were provided in addition to accommodation, the offer of housing should be recorded. Record the outcome as providing advice and assistance only if the local authority did not also secure an accommodation outcome for the applicant or transfer them to another authority.

The provision of non-permanent accommodation in the circumstances set out in regulation 4 and regulation 5 of the Homeless Persons (Provisions of Non-permanent Accommodation) (Scotland) Regulations 2010 should be recorded here (options 10 or 11). The case should be closed on the offer of non-permanent accommodation under regulation 4, but kept open until duty discharge where that offer is made under regulation 5.

Similarly, where a case is closed because the applicant has entered prison for a sentence of at least two years, option 9 – “none of the above” – should be selected.

Short Scottish Secure Tenancies offered to households who otherwise would have been offered permanent accommodation, where a member of the applicant household is subject to an anti-social behaviour order (ASBO), or has been evicted from previous accommodation anywhere in the United Kingdom within the past 3 years should be recorded as “short SST (other than below)” (option 12 or 13) (see paragraphs 2.70 to 2.76 of the Code of Guidance).

Short SSTs offered to applicants assessed as intentionally homeless and in priority need should be recorded as short SSTs under paragraph 5A of Schedule 6 of the 2001 Act (options 14 or 15).

Section 7 of the 2001 Act, regarding non-tenancy accommodation offered to intentionally homeless applicants not entitled to a 5A short SST (e.g. because they are subject to an ASBO, or have been evicted from previous accommodation on the grounds of anti-social behaviour in the past 3 years, or have had a previous 5A short SST terminated in the last 12 months) should be recorded at options 16 or 17.

Applicant referred to another Local Authority (under 1987 Act) – Option 7

Chapter 7 of the Code of Guidance (paragraph 7.6) states that a local authority which accepts a referral will be responsible for any further decisions or inquiries relating to that application. However, the homelessness decision of the notifying authority cannot be revised by the authority accepting the referral.

For the purpose of recording, the notifying authority should close the HL1 case and the accepting authority should open a new HL1 case.

Please note that an applicant cannot be referred to another local authority if there is a risk of domestic abuse, to either the applicant or anyone who might reasonably be expected to reside with them (Section 33(2)(c)) in that other local authority’s area.

23. Accommodation following final discharge of duty or case closure


Variable name: OUTCOME


Accommodation occupied following the final discharge of duty or the closure of the case – this may have been arranged by the local authority or by the applicant.


Numeric, two digits maximum.



Returned to previous/present accommodation


Moved to alternative accommodation:

LA tenancy


Private rented - assured tenancy


Hostel - local authority


Hostel - RSL


Hostel - other


Moved-in with friends/ relatives


Tenancy with voluntary organisation other than above


RSL (Housing Association) tenancy


Private rented - short assured tenancy


Women's refuge


Residential care / nursing home


Home Ownership - Low Cost Home Ownership


Home Ownership - Shared Ownership


Home Ownership - Bought own home via other means


Supported accommodation or Support Housing


Sheltered Accommodation


Shared Property - LA


Shared Property – RSL (Housing Association)


Shared Property  - Private Rented Sector








Other (known)


Not known



  • mandatory after closure if contact was maintained until discharge of duty
  • must be answered if the answer to question 21 is 2 (can be answered if the answer to question 21 is 1, or blank, but not necessarily expected)
  • should be 1 or 15 if answer to question 22 is 1, 12 or 14
  • should be 5 if answer to question 22 is 3

23a. Assessment under Housing Support Regulations and whether support has been provided?


Variable name: SUPPORT


This covers support provided either during this homelessness application or with the rehousing outcome in question 23, or both. The regulations referred to in the title are The Housing Support Services (Homelessness) (Scotland) Regulations 2012.


Numeric, one digit.



Where a duty is owed under the Housing Support Services (Homelessness)(Scotland) Regulations 2012


No assessment - no support provided


No assessment - support provided


Assessment carried out - no support required


Assessment carried out - support required but not provided


Assessment carried out - support provided


Where no duty is owed under the Housing Support Services (Homelessness)(Scotland) Regulations 2012


No duty to assess - no support provided


No duty to assess - support provided



  • mandatory after closure


This must be answered for all cases where the final outcome was known (i.e. question 23 was answered other than ‘not known’).

Support is where:

Either: (a) there is a live in warden or some other accommodation officer,

Or: (b) the household has been provided with a package of support as agreed with social workers and others

Support is defined by the fact that, without it, the accommodation solution secured would not be sustainable.  It is accepted that support can range from limited input, perhaps on request, to 24 hr care.

23b. If support were provided, what were the identified needs?


Variable name format: SPTPRVX


If support were provided, the identified support needs.

4 variables: each record whether the type of support was relevant.


Variable name




Housing support



Social or personal support



Education or training



Support for finding or maintaining employment


Numeric, one digit each.

Response for 23b.1





Yes – Housing support which is outside the Housing Support Services (Homelessness) (Scotland) Regulations 2012


Yes – Housing support included within the Housing Support Services (Homelessness) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 only


Yes – Housing support which includes both that covered by the regulations but includes additional forms of housing support too.


Responses for 23b.2 to 23b.4








  • if the answer to question 23a is 1,4 or 6 (i.e. some kind of support is provided with the re-housing outcome), then at least one of question 23b.1 to 23b.4 must have a non-zero response
  • question 23b.2 to 23b.4 are optional and may be answered if support were provided


This question very broadly covers different types of support provided. It is not mandatory. It is to be answered if the answer to question 23a is that support was provided to enable the applicant to sustain their accommodation at the time of the case being closed.

  • 23b.1, housing support, covers assistance with the maintenance of the safety and security of the building, advice, or supervision of the use of household equipment, arranging adaptations to cope with a disability, assistance in budgeting or claiming benefits, assistance in moving on to accommodation with less support, provision of a live-in warden or on-call system of support, etc.
  • 23b.2, social or personal support, covers personal care, health care, counselling, befriending, community support work, etc.
  • 23b.3 covers education or training provided in a formal setting outside the home, e.g. basic numeracy or literacy skills that will assist the applicant to deal with finances.
  • 23b.4 covers assistance in maintaining or finding employment.

The final three variables have been made optional as some authorities may find this information difficult to provide as support is provided by a different department. However, it should be completed where it is not overly burdensome to do so, so the information can be analysed of a sufficiently large sample of cases.

24. Accommodation occupied between application date and discharge of duty (including temporary accommodation provision)


Variable name format: TEMPX


Accommodation occupied by the applicant between the date of application and the discharge of duty – both placed by the local authority and arranged by the applicant themselves.

12 variables: each record whether the accommodation type was used.


Variable name




Remained in original accommodation



Stayed with friends or relatives



Other arranged by applicant



LA ordinary dwelling



Housing association / RSL dwelling



Hostel - local authority owned



Hostel - RSL



Hostel - other



Bed and breakfast



Women’s refuge



Private sector lease



Other placed by authority


Numeric, one digit each.








  • mandatory after closure

25. Date the case is closed


Variable name: CLOSDATE


Date the case is closed.


Numeric, eight digits.

Coded in the form DDMMYYYY, where DD is the day, MM is the number of the month and YYYY is the four-digit year (eg. 2007).


  • mandatory
  • must be a valid date
  • must not be in the future
  • must not be earlier than the date of assessment (question 18)


For applicants entitled to permanent accommodation, the date the applicant is rehoused in permanent accommodation, or the date the local authority decides it has discharged its duty by making a reasonable offer, which is refused;

For applicants assessed as intentionally homeless, entitled to a short Scottish Secure Tenancy (SST), the date the applicant enters accommodation, or the date the local authority decides it has discharged its duty by making a reasonable offer. In such cases, the local authority still has a duty to provide a full SST if the short SST successfully remains in place for a year, though this will not be recorded in the HL1;

For intentionally homeless cases not entitled to a short SST, the date the local authority decides it has discharged its duty to provide temporary accommodation for a period that has given the applicant a reasonable opportunity to find alternative accommodation;

For applicants provided with non-permanent accommodation under the Homeless Persons (Provisions of non-Permanent Accommodation) Regulations 2010:

  • the date the applicant enters accommodation, where the applicant is placed in that accommodation under regulation 4 of the non-permanent accommodation regulations. In such cases, the duty to provide permanent accommodation remains once the non-permanent accommodation comes to an end, although this will not be recorded in the HL1;
  • the date the applicant’s initial SAT offered under regulation 5 is extended by not less than 12 months or, failing this, the date on which homelessness duty is otherwise discharged. Note that, if a tenancy extension of not less than 12 months is not secured and therefore homelessness duty is not discharged through this route, the answer to question 22 should still reflect the offer (and acceptance) of non-permanent accommodation.

For applicants threatened with homelessness (unintentionally) who do not become homeless, the date the authority decides it has fulfilled its duty to take reasonable measures to help the applicant retain the accommodation so they are no longer threatened with homelessness (see paragraphs 2.10 to 2.13 of the Code of Guidance);

For applicants threatened with homelessness who are entitled to advice and assistance only, the date the local authority decides it has discharged its duty to provide advice and assistance (see paragraph 2.14 of the Code of Guidance);

For applicants assessed as not homeless nor threatened with homelessness, the date of the assessment decision, or the date of review if one is carried out. Note that applicants must be given at least 21 days after they have been notified of the assessment decision to ask for a review (see paragraphs 10.13 to 10.25 of the Code of Guidance);

For applicants with whom contact has been lost, a date at least 28 days after the date of last contact;

For applicants who enter prison, for a sentence of at least two years, before the authority has discharged its duty, the date they enter prison. Note that the authority will still have a duty to the applicant on their release from prison. For shorter sentences, the case should remain open;

The date the local authority has otherwise discharged its duty to the applicant, for example the date when it is informed an applicant has withdrawn their application, or the date it discovers the homelessness has been resolved, or the date the case was transferred to another authority. (Note that the modification of local connection requirements are likely to be applicable only within Scotland – a Scottish local authority may still pass the duty owed to an applicant to an authority elsewhere in the UK.)

Authorities may keep cases open for longer than suggested above if, for example, they are providing more than is required under the legislation or the assessment decision is being reviewed or is subject to a judicial review (see paragraphs 10.13 to 10.26 of the Code of Guidance).

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