
HM Fire Service Inspectorate in Scotland Annual Report 2020-21

2020-21 Annual Report which reflects HMFSI's current inspection programme and on work which has concluded within the past 12 months

1. Introduction

1.1. It gives me pleasure to present my 2020-21 Annual Report which looks at our current inspection programme and reflects on work which has concluded within the past
12 months. The work undertaken within the year of 2020-21 was set out in our Scrutiny Plan 2016-2021. However, in light of the impact of Covid-19, it has been necessary to revise our inspection programme for that year to reflect the new priorities and issues
we all face.

1.2. This has been a challenging year, but with the innovative ways of working by the staff of the Inspectorate and the flexibility and accommodation of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS), together with those who work alongside the Service and our Partners, we have maintained a comprehensive work programme and delivered support to the SFRS and Scottish Government.

1.3. 2020-21 has seen the departure of one Assistant Inspector and the appointment
of two new Assistant Inspectors and one Inspection Support Manager within the Inspectorate. This increase in establishment, although having been a challenge for the individuals to integrate within the Inspectorate Team due to the remote working requirements placed on us, has already, and will for the future, greatly assist HM Fire Service Inspectorate (HMFSI) in discharging its duties.



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