HM Inspector of Anatomy: report - August 2018-October 2019
Report by Professor Gordon Findlater, Inspector of Anatomy, detailing inspection outcomes and duties undertaken.
Other Activities
82. These include:
- reviewing licence applications, both personal and premises, before making a recommendation to Scottish Minister about issuing them. In the case of the latter, it invariably means visiting the premises in question to make sure that it conforms to the requirements of the Act and the Code of Practice.
- responding on a day-to-day basis to email and telephone enquiries both from licensed teachers and members of the public on a wide and varied range of anatomically related topics.
83. All departments inspected were functioning well and conforming to the requirements of the Anatomy Act 1984 as Amended by the Human Tissue (Scotland) Act 2006.
84. It is very apparent that the body donor programme is functioning well with all anatomy departments meeting their requirements for the courses that they run. In addition to the numerous undergraduate courses run by all the medical schools, a total of 134 external courses, mainly surgical training courses, were run using anatomy department facilities in Scotland during the year that this report covers. This shows the ongoing significant role that the body donor programme plays in medical education and in surgical training throughout the country.
Gordon Findlater
31 October 2019
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