
HM Inspector of Crematoria: annual report 2016-2018

Second annual report from the Inspector of Crematoria for Scotland.


The appointment of an independent Inspector of Crematoria for Scotland was one of the 64 recommendations made in the Report of the Infant Cremation Commission headed by Lord Bonomy, which was published in June 2014.

The Inspector was duly appointed and commenced in what was initially a part time role on 9 March 2015 on an initial contract of a two year period ending on 31 March 2017.

However, the part time (90 day commitment) role was found to be unsustainable and on 9 November 2016 it became a full time salaried appointment, with an agreed extension to the terms of the contract until 30 April 2017.

This was later extended to 31 December 2017 and more recently to 31 December 2018, or until such date as the relevant Regulations under the Burial and Cremation Act 2016 are commenced, at which time the role will become Inspector of Cremation.

In September 2017 the Inspector was required to register as a Data Controller with the Information Commissioner's Office. He has since responded to Data Subject and Freedom of Information requests.


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