Home education guidance
Guidance for local authorities and parents on home education.
Section 7 Information for families
7.1 This section contains general information that may be of use for home educating families and should not be considered an exhaustive list of the support or resources that are relevant to home educated children and young people.
Financial support for home education
Education Maintenance Allowances (EMA)
7.2 Home educated young people may be eligible to receive EMA, subject to meeting the EMA eligibility criteria and providing that the course of non-advanced education at home has been approved by the education authority. Applications should be made to, and administered by, the local authority in which the home education is based. Students applying for an EMA as a home educated student must have a history of home education prior to reaching their official school leaving date. Further information on EMA can be found at Apply for or renew EMA.[38]
Best Start Grant
7.3 Home educators may be eligible to receive the Best Start Grant, provided they meet the eligibility criteria. Applications can be made online or via telephone. Further information on the Best Start Grant can be found Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods - mygov.scot.[39]
Scottish Child Payment
7.4 Scottish Child Payment (SCP) is a weekly payment of £26.70, paid every 4 weeks, that you can get for every child you look after. These payments provide financial support direct to eligible families and carers to help towards the costs of supporting their child. SCP is available for eligible families with children under 16. In order to qualify for SCP, you must be in receipt of a qualifying reserved benefit, such as Universal Credit or Child Tax Credits. Further information on the Scottish Child Payment can be found at Scottish Child Payment - How it works[40].
Free School Meals
7.5 There are some current benefits linked to a child's attendance at school – such as Free School Meals and School Clothing Grants – for which there is no equivalent for home educating families.
Free Period Products
7.6 The Period Products (Free Provision) Scotland Act 2021 came in to force in January 2023 and ensures that everyone in Scotland who menstruates can have reasonably convenient access to period products, free of charge, as and when they are required.
7.8 As set out in the Act, local authorities must undertake a consultation process and produce Statements on how they will exercise their functions under the Act. Following the consultation, it is for individual local authorities to decide what works best in their area, delivering to respond to local need and circumstances.
7.9 Guidance which accompanies the Act, states that "This duty applies to all primary and secondary schools in Scotland (including independent, special and grant-aided schools) as well as all publicly-funded Scottish colleges and universities. Children and young people who are not attending school for any reason will be able to obtain products through arrangements put in place by local authorities under Section 1, but local authorities may wish to consider putting in place specific arrangements for children and young people who are home-schooled." This guidance can be accessed at Guidance for responsible bodies.[41]
Email: homeeducation@gov.scot
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