
Home Energy Efficiency Equity Loan pilot: homeowner feedback survey - analysis of responses

Impartial analysis of the independent survey of homeowners who participated in the pilot. The analysis covers the impact that the measures implemented had on wellbeing and energy bills, the carbon reductions achieved and homeowner experience of the Equity Loan process and offer. Read the call for evidence:

Appendix 2: Loan holder feedback questionnaire

Section 1: Confirmation of measures installed and composition of household
Q1 Please confirm what measures you installed with the funds from the Equity Loans: a) Energy efficiency purposes b) Low emissions heating solution c) Other (please specify)
Q2 Please quantify how many people in your household fall into these different age groups: a) Under 15 b) 15-64 c) 65 or older
Q3 How many people in your household are: a) Full-time workers b) Part-time workers c) Unemployed d) Unable to work for medical reasons e) Retired f) Other (please specify)
Section 2: Impact of Equity loan on heating levels and cost
Q4 Before installing your energy efficiency/low emissions heating solutions, in winter, were you staying warm? a) Always b) Only sometimes c) Never
Q5 Since installing your energy efficiency measures, in winter, are you staying warm? a) Always b) Only sometimes c) Never
Q6 Since installing your low emissions heating solutions, in winter, are you staying warm? a) Always b) Only sometimes c) Never
Q7 Since installing the energy efficiency measures, in winter, has your heating Bill reduced in cost? a) A lot b) A little c) Not at all d) It's more expensive
Q8 Since installing your low emissions heating solutions, in winter, has your heating Bill reduced in cost? a) A lot b) A little c) Not at all d) It's more expensive
Q9 Do you have any further information that you would like to add?
Q10 Before installing your energy efficiency/low emissions heating solutions, in winter, were you monitoring your home energy use for heat? a) Always b) Only sometimes c) Never
Q11 Since installing your energy efficiency measures, in winter, are you monitoring your home energy use for heat? a) Always b) Only sometimes c) Never
Q12 Since installing your low emissions heating solution, in winter, are you monitoring your home energy use for heat? a) Always b) Only sometimes c) Never
Q13 Do you have any further information that you would like to add?
Section 3: Wellbeing
Q14 Has your sense of wellbeing increased since you installed your energy efficiency/low emission heating solutions?
Q15 Do you have any further information that you would like to add?
Section 4: Energy Efficiency and Carbon Emission Ratings
Q16 What were your energy efficiency and carbon emission ratings before the new measures were put in place?
Q17 What were your energy efficiency and carbon emission ratings after the new measures were put in place?
Section 5: Housing Fabric Repairs
Q18 With the Equity loan, did you perform housing repairs as well as energy efficient/low emission heating measures?
Q19 If yes, what impact have these repairs had on your everyday life?
Section 6: Process
Q20 How did you find out about the scheme?
Q21 What do you like about the Equity Loan offer?
Q22 What would you improve about the Equity Loan offer?
Q23 What did you think about the applicant journey, from applying to measures installed, what worked well and would could be improved?
Q24 Please provide comments on the Equity loan offer period of 3 months – in general, is this period long enough?
Q25 Do you agree with the percentage split between energy efficiency/low carbon and repairs? Please explain your position.
Q26 How satisfied were you with the support provided by the Home Energy Service? Please explain your position.
Q27 How satisfied were you with the support provided by your Care & Repair officer (if used)? Please explain your position.
Q28 Please provide any further comments you may have your experience of the Equity Loan Pilot Scheme.



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