
Home Energy Efficiency Equity Loan pilot: homeowner feedback survey - analysis of responses

Impartial analysis of the independent survey of homeowners who participated in the pilot. The analysis covers the impact that the measures implemented had on wellbeing and energy bills, the carbon reductions achieved and homeowner experience of the Equity Loan process and offer. Read the call for evidence:

Appendix 3: Responses to quantitative questions in the feedback questionnaire

Q1. Please confirm what measures you installed with the funds from the Equity Loans (n=38)
Energy efficiency purposes 29 (76%)
Low emissions heating solution 18 (47%)
Other 4 (11%)
Q4a. Before installing your energy efficiency measures, in winter, were you staying warm? (n=29)
Always 5 (17%)
Only sometimes 13 (45%)
Never 8 (28%)
Don't know 3 (10%)
Q4b. Before installing your low emissions heating solutions, in winter, were you staying warm? (n=18)
Always 4 (22%)
Only sometimes 8 (44%)
Never 6 (33%)
Q5. Since installing your energy efficiency measures, in winter, are you staying warm? (n=29)
Always 21 (72%)
Only sometimes 4 (14%)
Never 1 (3%)
Don't know 3 (10%)
Q6. Since installing your low emissions heating solutions, in winter, are you staying warm? (n=18)
Always 15 (83%)
Only sometimes 2 (11%)
Never 1 (6%)
Q7. Since installing your energy efficiency measures, in winter, has your heating Bill reduced in cost? (n=29)
A lot 6 (21%)
A little 6 (21%)
Not at all 11 (39%)
It's more expensive 0 (0%)
Don't know 6 (21%)
Q8. Since installing your low emissions heating solutions, in winter, has your heating Bill reduced in cost? (n=18)
A lot 6 (33%)
A little 5 (28%)
Not at all 5 (38%)
It's more expensive 0 (0%)
Don't know 2 (11%)
Q10a. Before installing your energy efficiency measures, in winter, were you monitoring your home energy use for heat? (n=29)
Always 9 (31%)
Only sometimes 7 (24%)
Never 12 (41%)
Don't know 1 (3%)
Q10b. Before installing your low emissions heating solutions, in winter, were you monitoring your home energy use for heat? (n=18)
Always 7 (39%)
Only sometimes 4 (22%)
Never 7 (39%)
Q11. Since installing your energy efficiency measures, in winter, are you monitoring your home energy use for heat? (n=29)
Always 8 (28%)
Only sometimes 10 (34%)
Never 10 (34%)
Don't know 1 (3%)
Q12. Since installing your low emissions heating solutions, in winter, are you monitoring your home energy use for heat? (n=18)
Always 7 (39%)
Only sometimes 7 (39%)
Never 4 (22%)



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