Homelessness in Scotland: 2023-24

This statistics bulletin provides information on homelessness in Scotland in the period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024, alongside historical data.


This statistics bulletin presents information based on administrative data collected by Scottish local authorities in the course of carrying out their homelessness activities. This is the first release of the full 2023-24 data, from the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024, set in the context of historical data.

It provides statistical information on all stages of the homelessness process, the circumstances from which households became homeless, use of temporary accommodation and the final outcomes of their application.

Characteristics of the homelessness population, including breakdowns by age, gender and ethnicity have also been released as part of this publication.

Workbooks containing the data and charts referenced in this publication, including local authority breakdowns are available to download at our supporting documents page . A full time series is also available at

full statistical time series page.

These statistics are accredited official statistics. The Office for Statistics Regulation has independently reviewed and accredited these statistics as complying with the standards of trustworthiness, quality, and value in the Code of Practice for Statistics.

These statistics were accredited on the 29th of November 2012. The published accreditation is also available at Accredited Official Statistics

What is the statutory duty of the local authority?

If a household is unintentionally homeless (or threatened with homelessness), the local authority must offer settled accommodation. Until this is available, the local authority must offer temporary accommodation.

If a household is intentionally homeless (or threatened with homelessness), the local authority has no statutory duty to provide settled accommodation (although they may choose to do so). There is a duty to provide temporary accommodation and advice and assistance to help the household secure alternative accommodation.

Temporary accommodation must be offered to all households while awaiting an assessment decision.

The statutory duty lies with the local authority the household applies to. Up until 28 November 2022, if a household had no local connection to the one to which it applied, but to another local authority in Scotland, they may be referred. From 29 November 2022, local authorities no longer have the power to refer an applicant to another local authority in Scotland on the grounds of their local connection.

A household can accept or refuse offers of accommodation. A local authority’s duty to secure accommodation for unintentionally homeless people would be fulfilled by an offer that is refused, provided that the offer is a reasonable one.
More information on the duties local authorities have to assist people who are threatened with or experiencing homelessness can be found in the Code of Guidance on Homelessness

A quick guide to the homelessness process

A household is homeless if they have no accommodation in the UK or elsewhere, or have accommodation but cannot reasonably occupy it. A household is threatened with homelessness if it is likely they will become homeless within two months.

There are three stages involved in a homeless application in Scotland:

  1. The Application stage where the household first presents to the local authority.
  2. The Assessment stage which determines:
    1. If the household is eligible for assistance. Households with no recourse to public funds are not eligible for homelessness assistance, though they may be provided temporary accommodation while their status is assessed;
    2. whether the household is homeless or threatened with homelessness;
    3. if the household is homeless, whether this is ‘unintentional’ or ‘intentional’;
    4. and if unintentionally homeless, whether there is a connection to the local authority to which the application was made and/or to any other (Scottish) local authority. (Note: local connection legislation changed in November 2022).
  3. The Outcome stage. A case can only be closed once the local authority has fulfilled its statutory duty or contact has been lost for 28 days.



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