Homelessness in Scotland: 2023-24

This statistics bulletin provides information on homelessness in Scotland in the period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024, alongside historical data.

Reasons for homelessness and prior circumstances

Key points in 2023-24

  • Proportions becoming homeless from a private rented tenancy have been reacting to legislation changes.

  • Increases in the reporting of rough sleeping.

Why do households make a homelessness application?

Chart 4: Most common reasons for homelessness remain consistent

Main reason for making an application for homelessness, as a proportion of all applications: 2023-24

Bar chart showing most common reasons for homelessness

The number of households applying due to termination of tenancy due to rent arrears increased for both local authority and registered social landlord properties, however, decreased for private rented properties.

There was a 22% increase in households becoming homeless as a result of loss of service or tied accommodation (from 281 to 342).

Over half (51%) of reasons for failing to maintain accommodation are ‘not to do with applicant household’. Mental health reasons are the next most common (26%). There was a notable increase (18%) in those citing physical health reasons.

What are the circumstances of the homeless population?

As part of the application process, information is gathered on the following: where the household became homeless from; whether anyone in the household had slept rough; whether anyone in the household was former armed forces; whether anyone in the household had been previously looked after by their local authority as a child; and any support needs.

Chart 5: Family and friends remain the most common property to be homeless from

Property type from which the households became homeless, as a proportion of all households assessed as homeless: 2022-23 and 2023-24

Bar chart showing the type of property from which households became homeless from

The numbers have more than doubled from last year for households becoming homeless from supported accommodation (from 932 to 1,978) and Bed & Breakfast (from 75 to 186). These account for 6% and 1% of all homeless households, respectively.

The increase in supported accommodation is due to Glasgow, where this has more than doubled (from 704 to 1,619), this ties in with the increase in asylum seekers/refugees. Edinburgh’s figure also doubled, but is much smaller in magnitude (from 84 to 181).

Households becoming homeless from a private rented tenancy decreased from last year. This has seen the largest change over the last few years in response to changes in legislation.

Chart 6: Households becoming homeless from a private rented tenancy has been reacting to legislation changes

Number and proportion of households becoming homeless from a private rented tenancy, January 2020 to March 2024

Line chart showing the number of households becoming homeless from a private rented tenancy, by quarter

Chart 7: Large increases in the reporting of rough sleeping over the last year, now exceeding pre-pandemic figures

Applications where at least one member of the household experienced rough sleeping, 2014-15 to 2023-24


The proportion of households reporting rough sleeping in the previous three months and the night before making an application have both increased compared to last year – from 6% to 7% and from 4% to 5% respectively.

The figures are highest in the series for the night before and three months prior since 2011-12 and 2012-13, respectively.

Edinburgh experienced increases from 275 to 415 and from 130 to 230 in the reporting of rough sleeping in the previous three months and the night before making an application. Respective figures for Glasgow show increases from 335 to 635 and 325 to 640.

There were 788 households assessed as homeless that had a household member that was previously a member of the armed forces. This accounts for 2% of all homeless households.

There were 1,098 homeless households that contained a household member under 25 that had been looked after by their local authority as a child. This accounts for 5% of all households with a household member under the age of 25.

The proportion of households reporting at least one support need was 51% - similar to the last few years, although a large increase from 33% in 2007-08 when data collection began. The largest increase over time is in mental health problems with 30% of homeless households noting this as a support need compared to 12% in 2007-08. The next most common support need is basic housing management with 21% noting this.

Line chart showing trends in the number of applications where at least one household member experienced rough sleeping the night before or in the three months prior to the homelessness application





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