Homelessness prevention: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) for the Homelessness Prevention provisions in the Housing (Scotland) Bill

Assessing for compatibility against the UNCRC requirements

Complete the below matrix, placing a tick against each article which is relevant to your existing legislation or decision or relevant proposal. Further on in the form you will be able to explain these answers in more detail.

What impact does/will your relevant proposal have on children’s rights

Articles where a positive impact has been identified

  • Article 3 Best interests of the child
  • Article 12 Respect for the views of the child
  • Article 27 Adequate standard of living

Articles where a negative impact has been identified

  • None

Articles where a neutral impact has been identified

  • Article 1 Definition of the child
  • Article 2 Non-discrimination
  • Article 4 Implementation of the Convention
  • Article 5 Parental guidance and a child’s evolving capacities
  • Article 6 Life, survival and development
  • Article 7 Birth registration, name, nationality, care
  • Article 8 Protection and preservation of identity
  • Article 9 Separation from parents
  • Article 10 Family reunification
  • Article 11 Abduction and non-return of children
  • Article 13 Freedom of expression
  • Article 14 Freedom of thought, belief and religion
  • Article 15 Freedom of association
  • Article 16 Right to privacy
  • Article 17 Access to information from the media
  • Article 18 Parental responsibilities and state assistance
  • Article 19 Protection from violence, abuse and neglect
  • Article 20 Children unable to live with their family
  • Article 21 Adoption
  • Article 22 Refugee children
  • Article 23 Children with a disability
  • Article 24 Health and health services
  • Article 25 Review of treatment in care
  • Article 26 Social security
  • Article 28 Right to education
  • Article 29 Goals of education
  • Article 30 Children from minority or indigenous groups
  • Article 31 Leisure, play and culture
  • Article 32 Child labour
  • Article 33 Drug abuse
  • Article 34 Sexual exploitation
  • Article 35 Abduction, sale and trafficking
  • Article 36 Other forms of exploitation
  • Article 37 Inhumane treatment and detention
  • Article 38 War and armed conflicts
  • Article 39 Recovery from trauma and reintegration
  • Article 40 Juvenile justice
  • Article 41 Respect for higher national standards
  • Article 42 Knowledge of rights

First optional protocol

  • Article 4
  • Article 5
  • Article 6
  • Article 7

Second Optional Protocol

  • Article 1
  • Article 2
  • Article 3
  • Article 4
  • Article 6
  • Article 7
  • Article 8
  • Article 9
  • Article 10
  • Article 11


Email: Housing.Legislation@gov.scot

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