Homelessness Prevention Duties: Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment

Fairer Scotland Duty (FSD) Assessment for Homelessness Prevention Duties


1. The National Performance Framework is currently being reviewed.

2. Prevention of homelessness duties: consultation analysis - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

3. Johnsen, S and Watts, B (2014) Homelessness and poverty: reviewing the links (hw.ac.uk) accessed 09/03/2023

4. Proportion of households living in the most deprived quintile by SIMD. Please note there is evidence to suggest that social rented and private rented households may be under-represented in the 2022 achieved sample. Therefore, users should treat the figures presented aggregated across all housing tenure groups with caution. Supporting documents - Scottish Household Survey 2022: Key Findings - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

5. Supporting documents - Scottish Household Survey 2022: Key Findings - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

6. Supporting documents - Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2022 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

7. Supporting documents - Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2022 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

8. National Report on the Scottish Social Housing Charter - 2022 -2023 | Scottish Housing Regulator

9. Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group: final recommendations report - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

10. The extent of homelessness in Scotland - Homelessness in Scotland: 2022-23 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

11. Women’s Budget Group (July 2018) The Female Face of Poverty (wbg.org.uk) accessed 24/04/2023

12. Follow the money - Care Review (carereview.scot)

13. Future Pathways Quarterly Report: Q3 19/20: October - December 2019 (future-pathways.co.uk)

14. Homelessness in Scotland: update to 30 September 2023 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

15. Youth Homelessness Prevention Pathway accessed 11/05/2023

16. Scotland’s Gender Equality Index 2023 (data.gov.scot)

17. See footnote 16

18. See footnote 16

19. The low-income indicator measures the proportion of adults with an income below 60% of the UK median income, after equivalising for dependent children living with them. Due to limitations of the available data, we have assumed that costs related to dependent children are shared proportionate to individual income within a family. This indicator uses income before housing costs to avoid needing to make assumptions about how housing costs are split within a couple.

20. Tackling child poverty priority families overview - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

21. Scottish Government analysis of Family Resources Survey Data (2020-23) Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23 (data.gov.scot)

22. Hidden homelessness: international evidence review - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)


Email: housing.legislation@gov.scot

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