
Homelessness Prevention Task and Finish Group: final report and recommendations

This sub-group of the Homelessness Prevention and Strategy Group was set up to consider the steps needed to prepare the ground for the introduction of the Homelessness Prevention duties. This report identifies actions across 5 priority areas.


1 Scottish Government & COSLA (2018), Ending Homelessness Together: High Level Action Plan

2 See, for example: Finch, D, Wilson, H and Bibby, J (2023) Leave no one behind: The state of health and health inequalities in Scotland. The Health Foundation; The Christie Commission 10 years on: reflection on progress and areas for action; The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (2021) Christie Commission 10 years on: achieving the vision today. Glasgow: The ALLIANCE.

3 Crisis (2018), Everybody In: How to end homelessness in Great Britain

4 Rock Trust (2020), Rock Trust Housing For Youth Pilot

5 Upstream Scotland is an innovative schools-based programme that utilises a universal screening/surveying tool to identify and support students at risk of homelessness

6 Scottish Women's Aid (2023), Scottish Women's Aid's input to the Homelessness Prevention Duty Task and Finish Group

7 Scottish Government working group (2020), Improving housing outcomes for women and children experiencing domestic abuse

8 Two examples given of how this could work in practice were: 1) the ALISS directory (A Local Information System for Scotland) created by the Health and Social Care Alliance was identified as an example of how this could work in practice; and 2) The London Hospital Discharge Housing Options Directory – an online resource to help hospital staff across London when discharging patients experiencing homelessness

9 Scottish Government (2018), Health and Homelessness in Scotland

10 Scottish Government (2022), Homelessness Statistics 2021-2022

11 Scottish Government (2023) Temporary Accommodation Task and Finish Group: final report and recommendations.

12 Scottish Government (2015), Housing Advice Note

13 Scottish Government (2015), Strategic Commissioning Plans Guidance

14 With the development of Community Justice (Scotland) Act in 2016, the Scottish Government and COSLA established an project board to oversee implementation.



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