Homelessness in Scotland: 2018 to 2019 – equalities breakdown

This bulletin provides information about homelessness in Scotland, with a focus on the equalities characteristics of homeless applicants.


1. However it should be noted that household characterstics are taken from the homelessness application and in some cases this may not accurately reflect who is present in a temporary accommodation placement. For example a household with children may make alternative temporary accommodation arrangements for the children (e.g. living with relatives).

2. This is partly due to the definition of a breach, which means households affected by a breach of the Unsuitable Accommodation Order will always include a pregnant woman or at least one child. 

3. Tables and charts are available in the supporting documents section of the publication

4. Further analysis and commentary on the reasons for the reduction in all homelessness applications can be found in the Homelessness in Scotland: 2018/19 publication

5. https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/statistics-and-data/statistics/statistics-by-theme/households/household-projections/2016-based-household-projections 

6. UK homelessness: 2005 to 2018 (ONS, Sept 2019) 

7. It should be noted that the current gender question in the homelessness data collection has only male female options, see question 9 HL1 data specification. The Scottish Government are planning to review this question in the near future. 

8. Note that while children may be included in the household type data the child may not necessarily be present on a permanent basis. This is because local authorities include children in homelessness applications wherever an applicant has regular overnight access to a child.

9. Ethnicity figures are taken from the Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2018.

10. To be classed as a repeat homelessness assessment the applicant household must (1) be assessed as homeless or threatened with homelessness in both applications; (2) the previous case must have been closed within 12 months of the current assessment and; (3) the adults and family circumstances also need to be the same in both applications.

11. Single parent – male, Single parent – female, Couple with children and Other with children


Email: homelessness_statistics_inbox@gov.scot

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