
Homelessness in Scotland: 2018 to 2019

Information on local authority homelessness applications, assessments and outcomes along with information on the use of temporary accommodation.


1. The Scottish Government is currently consulting on proposals made by the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group (HARSAG) relating to intentional homelessness and local connection. These proposals include narrowing the definition of intentional homelessness to focus on 'deliberate manipulation' of the homelessness system, and suspending referrals between local authorities where an applicant is found to have a connection to a local authority other than that to which they applied. Full details of the consultation can be found here:

2. Tables and charts are available in the supporting documents section of the publication

3. The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 extended councils' duties to non-priority homeless and the Homelessness etc. (Scotland) Act 2003 set the longer term objective of phasing out the distinction between priority and non-priority homeless. See Summary of Homelessness Legislation for more details.

4. In November 2012, the Scottish Parliament approved the Homelessness (Abolition of Priority Need Test) (Scotland) Order 2012.

5. Housing Options (PREVENT1) Statistics in Scotland: 2018/19 is published alongside this publication and are available at the same location online.

6. To note, the Temporary Accommodation category in Chart 4 includes applicants that were residing in a Hostel, Bed and Breakfast, Caravan/Mobile Home, or were long-term roofless or 'sofa surfing'.

7. From 31st December 2012, the priority need test for homeless households was abolished. As a result, all unintentionally homeless households are entitled to settled accommodation. This includes RSL, LA or assured tenancies in the private rented sector.

8. To be classed as a repeat homelessness assessment the applicant household must (1) be assessed as homeless or threatened with homelessness in both applications; (2) the previous case must have been closed within 12 months of the current assessment and; (3) the adults and family circumstances also need to be the same in both applications.

9. For more information on the HL2 return, see here

10. The Scottish Government have worked with local authorities to quality assure HL3 data since mandatory submission in 2016. For more information on HL3 data quality, see the 'data quality' section.

11. The use of particular types of temporary accommodation varies between local authorities, as shown by the local authority level figures provided in Table 26.

12. If before 31st December 2012.



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