Homelessness in Scotland: 2018 to 2019

Information on local authority homelessness applications, assessments and outcomes along with information on the use of temporary accommodation.


(Tables 30 to 33)

Households assessed as unintentionally homeless have a right to settled accommodation - this is usually a tenancy with a local authority landlord or housing association, or a tenancy in the private rented sector. In 2018/19, over two-thirds of unintentionally homeless households secured settled accommodation (20,225 or 71% of unintentionally homeless households which had an outcome in 2018/19). This proportion has gradually increased since 2002/03 (when 48% secured settled accommodation) (Table 30, Chart 21).

Chart 21: Proportion of unintentionally homeless securing settled accommodation

Chart 21: Proportion of unintentionally homeless securing settled accommodation

The most common outcome type for those assessed as unintentionally homeless was a local authority tenancy, which accounted for 11,722 outcomes. This was an increase of 621 (6%) on 2017/18. (Table 30, Chart 22)

Chart 22: Outcome type for applicants assessed as unintentionally homeless

Chart 22: Outcome type for applicants assessed as unintentionally homeless

For those households assessed as unintentionally homeless, Perth and Kinross had the highest proportion of outcomes securing settled accommodation during 2018/19 (81% of outcomes). While North Ayrshire and Midlothian had the lowest (54% and 58% of outcomes respectively) (Table 31, Chart 23).

Chart 23: Proportion of applicants assessed as unintentionally homeless securing settled accommodation by local authority

Chart 23: Proportion of applicants assessed as unintentionally homeless securing settled accommodation by local authority

Contact Lost / Unknown Outcomes

In 2018/19, local authorities closed 30,143 cases (Table 33). Of these, following an assessment of homelessness or threatened with homelessness, contact was maintained until case closure for 25,998 applications (86% of cases) (Chart 24). An outcome of lost contact or unknown outcome was reported for 14% of cases. The overall proportion of lost contacts has fallen over time, from 31% in 2002/03.

Chart 24: Proportion of applications where contact was maintained post assessment

Chart 24: Proportion of applications where contact was maintained post assessment


Email: lee.bunce@gov.scot

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