Homelessness in Scotland: Equalities Breakdown 2019 to 2020

This bulletin provides information about homelessness in Scotland, with a focus on the equalities characteristics of homeless applicants.

Comparisons with the Scottish Population

The annual Homelessness in Scotland: 2019-20 publication provided a breakdown of the characteristics of those assessed as homeless. It is useful to understand how these compare to the general Scottish population.[1]

Those assessed as homeless are more likely to be:


55% male compared to 48% of Scottish (adult) population

Single adult & single parent households
Bar chart comparing the proportion of different household types in the homeless application in comparison to the Scottish population
Bar chart comparing the proportion of different age groups in the homeless application in comparison to the Scottish population
Bar chart comparing proportion of white applicants in the homeless population compared to the Scottish population


Email: homelessness_statistics_inbox@gov.scot

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