Homelessness in Scotland: Equalities Breakdown 2019 to 2020

This bulletin provides information about homelessness in Scotland, with a focus on the equalities characteristics of homeless applicants.


1. Sources for comparative data for the Scottish population are detailed in the Notes section at the end of this report.

2. An application is defined as reassessed as homeless if the household composition is the same as that for an application previously assessed as homeless in the previous 12 months.

3. The Homeless Persons (Unsuitable Accommodation) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2017, which regulates the standard of temporary accommodation used by local authorities, is breached when a household with a pregnant member and/or child is in unsuitable temporary accommodation for more than 7 days. Unsuitable accommodation was defined by the The Homeless Persons (Unsuitable Accommodation) (Scotland) Order 2014.

4. A local authority has a statutory duty to offer temporary accommodation to any household assessed as homeless. Temporary accommodation must also be offered to households awaiting assessment. The local authority is required to indicate when they do not offer any temporary accommodation to a household and are therefore acting unlawfully.


Email: homelessness_statistics_inbox@gov.scot

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