Homelessness in Scotland: update to 30 September 2017

Information on homelessness applications, assessments and outcomes in the period to 30 September 2017.

Homelessness In Scotland: Bi-annual update 1 April to 30 September 2017

This bulletin provides information on local authority homelessness applications, assessments and outcomes in the period from 1 April to 30 September 2017. It also provides data on the number of households in temporary accommodation as at 30 September 2017, along with the number of households in unsuitable temporary accommodation as defined in the Homeless Persons (Unsuitable Accommodation) (Scotland) Order 2014.

It is based on data collected from local authorities through the HL1 case-level homeless applications data collection along with the HL2 aggregate temporary accommodation summary return.

Excel workbooks containing tables and charts from this publication are available to download at http://www.gov.scot/homelessstats.

Chart 1: Number of applications for homelessness assistance in Scotland, by quarter, from April 2002 to September 2017

Chart 1: Number of applications for homelessness assistance in Scotland, by quarter, from April 2002 to September 2017


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