
Homelessness in Scotland: update to 30 September 2021

This statistics bulletin provides information on homelessness in Scotland in the 6 month period from 1 April 2021 to 30 September 2021, alongside historical data.

Main findings: April to September 2021

Comparisons are with the corresponding periods in previous years

Applications and households assessed as homeless, while an increase from last year, are still lower than pre-pandemic.

Open homeless cases decreased from last year, but are still higher than pre-pandemic.

The last quarter has seen an increase in the number of households in temporary accomodation for the first time since the peak was reached in September 2020. This is still considerably higher than pre-pandemic.

There has been an increase in the proportion securing settled accomodation compared to 2020, particularly for Housing Association accomodation.

Indications that proportions are returning to those similar to pre-pandemic for:

  • Reasons for homelessness, with the exception of being asked to leave, which remains higher
  • Property became homeless from, with an increase from last year in those becoming homeless from private rented tenancies and a decrease from last year in those becoming homeless from friends and family
  • Age and gender profiles of main applicants



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