
Homes that don't cost the earth: a consultation on Scotland's Sustainable Housing Strategy

This consultation paper sets out our vision for a housing sector that helps to establish a successful low carbon economy across Scotland.


1. As set out in the Homes and Communities chapter of Low Carbon Scotland : Meeting the Emissions Reduction Targets 2010-2022 - The Report on Proposals and Policies. This will be updated in 2012.

2. Scottish Government (2011), Infrastructure Investment Plan


4. Scottish Government (2010), Low Carbon Economic Strategy

5. Scottish Government (2011), Homes Fit for the 21st Century

6. For example : Designing Places

7. Scottish Government (2012), Energy Efficiency topic report (forthcoming)

8. National Records of Scotland Household Projections for Scotland, 2008-based

9. Scottish Government (2011), Age, Home And Community: A Strategy For Housing For Scotland's Older People: 2012 - 2021

10. Scottish Government (2011), Scottish House Condition Survey: Key Findings 2010

11. Scottish Government (2012), Second Progress Report on the Energy Efficiency Action Plan


13. Communities Scotland (2007), Sustainable Housing Design Guide

14. Scottish Government (2011), Scottish House Condition Survey: Key Findings 2010
(The figure for solid walls also includes 'other walls' (for example, steel-framed and pre-fabricated concrete walls)


16. Scottish Government (2012), A Home Owner's Guide to Cavity Wall Insulation


18. Based on UK figures, pro rata for Scotland

19. Glasgow Caledonian University for Scottish Government (2011), Housing Futures Report

20. Scottish Government (2011), Scottish House Condition Survey: Key Findings 2010

21. Scottish Parliament Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee, 1st Report, 2012 (Session 4): Fuel Poverty

22. Gas heating has the benefit of both reducing carbon emissions compared to other non renewable fuels, and of lower heating costs to support the fuel poverty agenda.

23. Cited in European Commission consultation paper, Financial support for energy efficiency in buildings, Brussels, February 2012

24. Scottish Government (2011), 2020 Routemap for Renewable Energy in Scotland



27. Public Works Loan Board

28. Available on the Sustainable Housing pages of the Scottish Government website

29. Scottish Government (2009), Implementing the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006, Parts 1 and 2: Advisory and Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities: Volume 4 Tolerable Standard

30. See the Scottish Government Repairing Standard Advice Pack for Private Landlords

31. Scottish Government (2011), Scottish House Condition Survey: Key Findings 2010. Urgent disrepair is any disrepair which, if not rectified, would cause the fabric of the building to deteriorate further and/or place the health and safety of the occupier at risk.

32. The Government consulted last year on the switching of land maintenance companies and will outline the way ahead shortly. (Scottish Government (2011), Maintenance of land on private housing estates: Consultation )

33. A manager burden is extinguished either on the expiry of a period specified in a manager burden or on "the relevant date". Where the date is "the relevant date", it will expire after 3 years in relation to sheltered or retirement housing; after 5 years generally and after 30 years in right to buy cases. (However, in right to buy cases a manager can be dismissed even if the manager burden is still in place).

34. Office of Fair Trading (2009), Property Managers in Scotland: A Market Study Paragraphs 6.15 and Table 6.2 of Annex B discussion perception of value for money when dealing with property factors.

35. Carbon Countdown for Homes : How to make Scotland's existing homes low carbon, CAG Consultants and Energy Action Scotland for WWF Scotland

36. Scottish Government (2011), Scottish House Condition Survey: Key Findings 2010


38. Scottish Government (2011), Regulation of Energy Efficiency in Housing

39. Impacts of Options for Regulating Energy Efficiency Standards in the Domestic Sector Scottish Government March 2011 -




43. Shared equity is where households buy part-ownership of a property and make an occupancy payment to a social landlord on the remaining share.

44. Davies, I, Sustainable Construction Timber - Sourcing and Specifyng local timber (Forestry Commission Scotland, 2009)

45. A policy on Architecture and Place-making for Scotland : public consultation 2012



48. Scottish Building Standards Agency (2007), A Low Carbon Building Standards Strategy for Scotland: report of a panel appointed by Scottish Ministers

49. Source : The Scottish Government - A Low Carbon Economic Strategy for Scotland, 2010


51. Scottish Government and Innovas Solutions : 2010

52. Scotland's Low Carbon and Environmental goods and Services Sector Study: Innovas Solutions : 2010


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