
Homicide in Scotland, 2002

Statistics on homicide in Scotland, 2002

Statistical Bulletin Criminal Justice Series CrJ/2003/9 HOMICIDE IN SCOTLAND, 2002

9. Appendix of Tables

Table 1 Number of cases initially and currently recorded as homicide, 1978-2002
Table 2 Homicide cases by number of victims and number of accused, 1993-2002
Table 3 Cases currently recorded as homicide, by police force, 1993-2002
Table 4 Selected crimes of violence recorded by the police, 1993-2002
Table 5 Homicide cases by location, 1993-2002
Table 6 Victims of homicide, by age and sex: numbers of victims and rates per million population, 1993-2002
Table 7 Persons accused in homicide cases by age and sex: numbers of accused persons and rates per million population, 1993-2002
Table 8 Persons accused in homicide cases by crime and outcome of proceedings, 1993-2002
Table 9 Persons convicted in homicide cases by crime and sentence, 1993-2002
Table 10 Victims of homicide, by sex of victim and main method of killing, 1993-2002
Table 11 Victims of homicide, by sex of victim and relationship of main accused to victim, 1993-2002
Table 12 Victims of homicide, by age and sex of victim and relationship of main accused to victim, 1993-2002
Table 13 Victims of homicide, by main motive and sex of main accused, 1993-2002
Table 14 Victims of homicide, by sex of victim, main motive of the main accused, location of killing and relationship of main accused to victim, 1993-2002
Table 15 Persons accused in homicide cases, by whether drunk and/or under influence of drugs and age and sex, 2002
Table 16 Victims of homicide, whether main accused drunk and/or under influence of drugs, by motive of main accused, 2002
Table 17 Time taken for the criminal justice system to deal with homicide cases, 1993-2002
Table 18 Comparison of homicide rates in selected countries and cities, 1999-2001

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