Horizon 2020: information

Information on the European Commission's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, including how to apply for funding.

Horizon 2020 is Europe's Research and Innovation programme. With more than €76 billion of funding available from 2014 to 2020 for cutting-edge projects, Horizon 2020 aims to ensure that the best ideas and discoveries are brought to the market faster and that their results help drive social and economic growth in Europe.

The opportunities that Horizon 2020 brings are open to a wide spectrum of organisations, including universities, research institutes, businesses and public and third-sector organisations. The programme focuses on three core themes:

  • excellent science – aiming to strengthen the EU's position in science by providing a boost to top-level research in Europe, including through the European Research Council
  • industrial leadership – aiming to strengthen industrial leadership in innovation, including through major investment in key technologies and greater access to capital and support for Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SME)
  • societal challenges - helping to tackle major societal challenges across Europe such as climate change; sustainable transport and mobility; making renewable energy more affordable; ensuring food safety and security; and coping with the challenge of an ageing population

Information on funding calls and the application process is available from the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Participant Portal.

Details of the programme's first 100 calls and examples of projects funded can be found in the brochure Horizon 2020 – first results.

Supporting Scotland's engagement in Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 offers significant opportunities to Scotland. To support participation in the programme we are working with our partners at the Scottish Funding Council, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scotland Europa and Enterprise Europe Network to ensure that businesses, the academic community and those in the public sector and research and technology organisations know about Horizon 2020 and are able to make the most of the opportunities it offers.

A number of awareness-raising events are being held throughout Scotland to highlight the opportunities, priorities and latest developments of Horizon 2020. If you would like any further information about these presentations, or about Horizon 2020 more generally, please contact Scotland Europa at horizon2020@scotent.co.uk.

Partners have also helped develop initiatives including the Scottish EU Funding Portal and the Horizon 2020 SME engagement scheme.

Scottish EU Funding Portal

The Scottish EU Funding Portal is an online information-sharing resource for Scottish organisations interested in EU funding and for international organisations wishing to work with Scottish organisations. The Portal can be used to:

  • search for EU programmes and projects
  • find support for developing EU funding bids
  • find partner organisations to work with on bids
  • share ideas, stories, news and events
  • register your expertise in EU funding

Horizon 2020 SME engagement scheme

This scheme is aimed at helping SMEs to explore the opportunities offered by Horizon 2020 funding and apply for particular programmes and calls under it, with the assistance of a Scottish Higher Education Institute.

Based on the successful Innovation Voucher scheme run by Interface, the scheme will provide between £1,000 and £5,000 to support Scottish SMEs to explore the opportunities offered by Horizon 2020 funding. For more information on these Vouchers, please visit the Interface webpage.

Entrepreneurship and innovation framework

The Scottish Government's entrepreneurship and innovation framework Scotland CAN DO highlights the importance and ambition we attach to entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as our priority actions in this area. This includes our commitment to working with partners to support engagement in European research and innovation funds, particularly Horizon 2020.

Further information

The Horizon 2020 UK website provides advice for UK organisations wishing to participate in Horizon 2020.


Email: horizon2020@scotent.co.uk

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