
Horse passports: application and identification deadlines

Deadlines for horses and passport issuing organisations (PIOs) based in Scotland and other parts of the UK.


Horse location

Country of PIO

Deadline in country of PIO

PIO identification deadline



30 days prior to the identification deadline

By the later of:

  • 31 December in the calendar year of the equine animals birth, or
  • the end of the month that is 6 months following the date of its birth



By the later of:

  • the last day of the period of 6 months beginning with the day on which the equine was born, or
  • 30 November in the year in which the equine is born

By the later of:

  • 31 December in the calendar year of the equine animals birth, or
  • the end of the month that is 6 months following the date of its birth



30 days prior to the identification deadline

By the later of:

  • 31 December in the calendar year of the equine animals birth, or
  • the end of the month that is 6 months following the date of its birth


Northern Ireland

The last day of the period of 6 months beginning with the day on which the horse was born

By the later of:

  • 31 December in the calendar year of the equine animals birth, or
  • the end of the month that is 6 months following the date of its birth



30 days prior to the identification deadline

By the later of:

  • 31 December in the calendar year of the equine animals birth, or
  • the end of the month that is 6 months following the date of its birth



30 days prior to the identification deadline

By the later of:

  • 31 December in the calendar year of the equine animals birth, or
  • the end of the month that is 6 months following the date of its birth

Northern Ireland


30 days prior to the identification deadline

By the later of: 

  • 31 December in the calendar year of the equine’s birth, or
  • 6 months following the date of the equine’s birth





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