
Horse passports: Minimum Operating Standards (MOpS) for Passport Issuing Organisations (PIOs)

Guide to minimum operating standards for Scottish approved passport issuing organisations (PIOs).

ScotEquine card

93. ScotEquine cards are an additional identification method being introduced in accordance with the 2016 Regulation.

94. Horses with passports issued by Scottish PIOs will be given the option to purchase a ScotEquine card which has many benefits to horse keepers.

95. Horses with ScotEquine cards will be able to travel anywhere in Scotland without the need to be accompanied with their passport.

96. The ScotEquine card will provide keepers with a handy and practical solution to not having to be accompanied with the passport when away from the place of holding.

97. The ScotEquine card cannot be used as a substitute for the passport when accompanying the horse to slaughter. The passport must always accompany the horse to slaughter.

98. The ScotEquine card is valid within Scotland only and horses travelling outside of Scotland MUST be accompanied by their full passport.

99. Horses cannot be bought or sold without being accompanied by their passport.

100. When the responsible person(owner / keeper) with a ScotEquine Card for the horse, disconnects from the horse on, the ScotEquine Card is invalidated

Information accessed from the ScotEquine card

101. The ScotEquine card shall contain at least the following:

Visible Information

  • Issuing body
  • UELN
  • Horse’s name
  • Sex
  • Colour
  • The last 15 digits of the code transmitted by the transponder (as appropriate)
  • A photograph of the horse

Electronic Information

  • At least all compulsory information which is in Part A Section I of the horse passport

102. Depending on the access level of the user the data that can be viewed through reading the QR code on the ScotEquine card will be different i.e. a keeper/owner will be able to view more data than a Local Authority.



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