
Horse passports: Minimum Operating Standards (MOpS) for Passport Issuing Organisations (PIOs)

Guide to minimum operating standards for Scottish approved passport issuing organisations (PIOs).

Dealing with enquiries from the Scottish Government and Enforcement Agencies

134. PIOs must provide the Scottish Government with details of their registrar or secretary and inform them of any change to these details using the contact information at the beginning of this document.

135. Where a PIO receives a request for personal data from an enforcement agency for example Food Standards Agencies, Local Authorities, Animal and Plant Health Agency, Police, DARD Veterinary Service Enforcement Branch or the courts it must consider the request under the Data Protection Act 2018[2] and, in particular, consider whether the exemption provided for in section 29 of the DPA (data processed for the prevention of crime etc.) applies. Where the criteria of the exemption are met, PIOs would be expected to release the information requested directly to the requestor. Please note that PIOs are expected to work in support of the Scottish Government and enforcement authorities in enabling the efficient and effective operation of the regime.

136. PIOs are expected to respond to information requests of any format from the Scottish Government and enforcement bodies within a maximum of 2 working days for urgent requests or 5 working days for standard requests. Where the requested information is not available a nil return must be sent so that the Scottish Government or enforcement body is aware that the request has been received and acted upon.

137. PIOs must be able to provide any non-personal data that can be reasonably expected to the Scottish Government when requested and within a specified time frame.

138. PIO’s should be able to deal with most passport enquiries. However, if they are unable to do so, enquiries from members of the public should be referred to the Scottish Government.



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