
Horse passports: Minimum Operating Standards (MOpS) for Passport Issuing Organisations (PIOs)

Guide to minimum operating standards for Scottish approved passport issuing organisations (PIOs).

Dealing with general enquiries

139. PIOs must be able to answer the telephone between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm every working day as a minimum. During this time, the telephone must be staffed by a trained individual who has access to the organisation’s database and is able to supply information as requested.

140. An answering service must be available during working hours, which if not operable outside of working hours includes a recorded message informing callers when office hours are.

141. All messages left on answering services must be returned within 1 working day of receipt.

142. Written correspondence including emails must be answered within a maximum of 15 working days of receipt. In exceptional circumstances where this deadline cannot be met, a holding reply explaining the reason for delay must be sent within 5 working days.

143. Each PIO must have a written complaints and appeals procedure that is displayed publicly on the website. They must include at least:

a) That written acknowledgement of receipt of the complaint or appeal will be provided by return;

b) Written confirmation to be provided within 15 working days of how the complaint is to be dealt with;

c) Written confirmation of the outcome, including any procedures to appeal that outcome.



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