
Horse passports: Minimum Operating Standards (MOpS) for Passport Issuing Organisations (PIOs)

Guide to minimum operating standards for Scottish approved passport issuing organisations (PIOs).

Procedures on ceasing trading

154. If a PIO ceases trading it is important that passports issued by them can still be maintained. It is therefore a requirement that all PIOs have a clear documented plan in place for transfer of the passport maintenance part of their business to another approved PIO should they cease trading or lose their approval. This plan must clearly identify the PIO nominated to take over passport management and put arrangements in place to ensure a smooth transfer of records.

155. PIOs must inform the Scottish Government which PIO they have nominated and notify the Scottish Government if the nominated PIO changes. If, at a later time, the nominated PIO is for whatever reason no longer able to take on that work then another PIO must be nominated in its place.

156. If a PIO is to cease trading it should take the steps outlined in its transfer plan.

157. A PIO is expected to provide the Scottish Government with a copy of all its horse records in an electronic format in the event that it ceases to manage horse passports and the information is not transferred to another approved PIO.



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