
Horse passports: Minimum Operating Standards (MOpS) for Passport Issuing Organisations (PIOs)

Guide to minimum operating standards for Scottish approved passport issuing organisations (PIOs).


1. As a Passport Issuing Organisation (PIO), you have been authorised by the Scottish Government to issue passports for horses. As a PIO you are a business organisation and can ultimately choose how you wish to operate, however, you do have an obligation to comply with the relevant legislation. This document has been produced to provide clarity to PIOs as to their responsibilities and duties to horse keepers and Scottish Ministers.

2. The Scottish Government has powers to monitor the performance of PIOs and withdraw recognition from any organisation not issuing passports in accordance with the provisions of the legislation and any other instructions issued by Scottish Government. Any PIO having its recognition withdrawn would no longer be able to issue passports.

3. This document sets out the minimum operating standards (MOpS) that approved PIOs in Scotland must meet to comply with legislation and to enable the equine identification regime to operate efficiently and effectively.

4. It has been prepared by the Scottish Government in partnership with approved PIOs. Defra have issued separate, but similar, MOpS for PIOs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.



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