
Horse passports: Minimum Operating Standards (MOpS) for Passport Issuing Organisations (PIOs)

Guide to minimum operating standards for Scottish approved passport issuing organisations (PIOs).

Duplicates and Replacements for Late applications and Lost Passports

50. In all cases an application will need to be completed with an RCVS vet confirming that all the details describing the horse on the application form are correct before a duplicate or replacement passport can be issued.

51. Before issue the PIO must stamp and sign all replacement and duplicate passports

(Part II of Section II) to declare that the horse is not intended for human consumption. This includes passports issued to replace pre-2016 passports without a Section IX.

Late Passport Applications

52. Passport applications must be received no later than 30 days prior to the final date for issuing an identification document or they will be considered to be late applications.

53. If a late passport application is for a horse which is eligible for immediate inclusion in a studbook, then a duplicate passport may be produced by a relevant breed society for that animal.

54. If a passport is issued late for a horse which is not eligible for immediate entry into a studbook, then a Replacement passport can be produced by any UK PIO designated to produce passports for “breeding and production” animal.

55. A PIO on receipt of a completed application must issue an identification document by within 6 months following its date of birth or by the end of calendar year of birth, whichever is later.

Situation: Late Application

Registered Horse: Duplicate Passport

Breeding and Production Horse: Duplicate Passport

Horse whose identity cannot be established through its transponder: Replacement Passport

Lost Passports

56. Where the passport is lost and the identity of the animal can be established through its implanted transponder number or a properly completed outline diagram (reconfirmed by a vet) kept by the PIO, a duplicate passport must be produced by:

a) For breeding and production horses resident in the UK, any UK PIO designated to produce passports for breeding and production animals. Horses registered in the UK but resident in another country must have their duplicate passports produced by a PIO in that country.

b) For registered horses, either a breed society that maintains a studbook that the horse has been entered or registered in, or is eligible for entry; or by the national branch of an international organisation or association which manages horses for competition or racing.

57. In all cases the original UELN must be recorded in the duplicate/replacement passport.

58. Where the existing identity cannot be established then a replacement passport must be issued.

Situation: Lost Passport

Registered Horse: Duplicate Passport

Breeding and Production Horse: Duplicate Passport

Horse whose identity cannot be established through its transponder: Replacement Passport



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