
Horse passports: Minimum Operating Standards (MOpS) for Passport Issuing Organisations (PIOs)

Guide to minimum operating standards for Scottish approved passport issuing organisations (PIOs).

Re-issuing Passports

59. A passport may be re-issued in the following situations:

a) The passport is damaged but remains fully bound, clearly legible in all parts, free of any signs of fraud and a ‘New Re-issue’ passport is needed to ensure its on-going security;

b) ID only passport needs upgrading to registered passport but the original passport cannot be adapted;

c) Minor errors were made in the issue of the original passport which need to be corrected.

60. The passport does not need to be issued as a replacement or duplicate and the original food chain status must be recorded in the passport. The original passport must be destroyed however if required elements from the old passport excepting Sections IV (or their equivalent in pre-2016 issued passports) can be removed and returned to the keeper for safe keeping.



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