
Householder permitted development: checklist

A checklist of the most common requirements for complying with planning regulations in home improvement projects.

Building standards

It is likely the proposed work will need to comply with minimum building standards. A building warrant may also be required before you start the work.

You can verify this with your local authority building standards department.

Check the legal position to ensure that there are no restrictions on the land or the type of work (for example, legal title, rights of way, or Article 4 directions removing permitted development rights).

You may wish to consult a professional such as a planning consultant or solicitor.

Planning history

Planning permission granted in the past may have a condition or other restriction prohibiting the kind of work proposed.

If in doubt check with your planning authority.

Listed buildings and conservation areas

If you live in a listed building, Listed Building Consent may be needed. If you live in a conservation area you may need to apply for planning permission.

If in doubt check with your planning authority.

Scheduled monuments

Work proposed in or near a scheduled archaeological site should be planned to avoid direct impact on the monument and impacts on its setting minimised. Where sites are not scheduled certain precautions may be required.

If in doubt check: for scheduled monuments check with Historic Scotland and for unscheduled sites with your planning authority.

Other consents

Check that the proposed work does not require a consent or approval, such as a road or advertisement consent, or is causing an obstruction.

Other things to consider

A range of other issues like biodiversity, water mains and old mine works are detailed in Section 8 of the Circular.



Telephone: 0131 244 7528

Area 2-H (South)
Planning and Architecture Division
The Scottish Government
Victoria Quay

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