
Householder permitted development rights: guidance - updated 2021

Guidance explaining householder permitted development rights and what can be built without submitting a planning application.

1. Introduction

1.1 Developments can have a significant impact on a neighbourhood and the environment.

1.2 Submitting a planning application gives an opportunity for the proposed development to be considered in its local setting. However, considering applications for minor and uncontroversial developments is not an efficient way of regulating development.

1.3 Permitted development rights are granted so that many instances of small alterations and extensions can be carried out without the need to submit an application for planning permission.

1.4 The purpose of this document is to explain householder permitted development rights and therefore what can be built without submitting a planning application.

1.5 Section 2 provides general advice that should be considered before starting work.

1.6 Section 3 explains the main concepts used within the planning legislation. It is necessary to understand these concepts so that the household classes to which they relate can be correctly applied. Sections 4 - 7 provide detailed advice on how the rules should be applied. Further guidance can be found at

1.7 Planning authorities can offer help and advice A list of planning authorities can be found on the planning section of the Scottish Government website

Additional Approvals Required

If planning permission is not required, there are sometimes other approvals that may be required. For example, approval under the building regulations from the local council may be required. It is for the individual to ensure that their development complies with relevant legislation. The most frequent are detailed within Section 2.



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