Households in Scotland by housing tenure: Scottish Household Survey, 2023

This publication describes some of the data collected through the Scottish Household Survey (SHS) broken down by housing tenure. Topics covered include households by tenure, characteristics of households by tenure, housing satisfaction by tenure and the number of households on social housing waiting lists.

Data and Methodology

  1. This publication provides commentary on data collected through the Scottish Household Survey (SHS) on households by housing tenure. More information on the methods used to collect these data and quality assurance are published here:  About the Scottish Household Survey - (
  2. The 2012-2023 absolute estimates published in Table 1.2 in dwelling estimates differ from previous publications as they have been revised using the updated National Records of Scotland household estimates data as per the 2022 census results.
  3. In 2020 and 2021 the Covid-19 pandemic effected data collection, therefore there is a break in the timeseries in terms of comparable data.
  4. In the 2022 SHS report there were caveats included related to a slight bias in the private rented and social rented sector. The tenure results from Scotland’s Census 2022 have now been published. Owner occupation appears to be slightly over-represented in SHS 2022 compared to the 2022 Census, and renting slightly under-represented. The same was true, but to a slightly greater extent, in SHS 2011 compared to the 2011 Census. This suggests that the SHS 2022 tenure results are comparable to those from SHS 2019 and earlier. Please refer to the SHS 2023 methodology report for more information.
  5. No statistical tests were conducted to look at differences in terms of statistical significance.


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