Housing to 2040 consultation: information

Information about our Housing to 2040 consultation.

This is not the most recent information for Housing to 2040.   Please visit Housing to 2040 for details.

Housing has a vital role to play in meeting many of our ambitions for Scotland, including eradicating child poverty and homelessness, ending fuel poverty, tackling the effects of climate change and promoting inclusive growth. 

The Scottish Government’s ambition is that everyone in Scotland should live in high quality, energy efficient homes that are affordable and that meet their needs. We also want to ensure we have a housing system that is dynamic and resilient enough to respond to future changes, and can help to address the number of challenges we are facing, including an ageing population and a global climate emergency.

In our 2019-2020 Programme for Government, we reaffirmed our commitment to plan together with stakeholders for how our homes and communities should look and feel in 2040 and the options and choices to get there. Now is the time to reimagine our housing system, and to do that, we want to continue to build on the collective wisdom and expertise from across the wide and varied housing sector and from communities across Scotland. We want to hear people’s views on our draft vision and principles for 2040 and their ideas for how to make them a reality.

Housing to 2040 consultation: update

The Scottish Government’s Housing to 2040: Consultation on outline policy options closed on 28 February 2020. Work on Housing to 2040 was temporarily halted in order for us to respond to COVID-19. This work has now re-commenced and we are working at pace to carefully consider the wide range of views from communities and stakeholders across Scotland expressed during our consultation. Alongside this, we are also considering the findings and recommendations of the Social Renewal Advisory Board’s Housing Policy Circle Group which was established during the COVID-19 pandemic and which has an emphasis on delivering equality and social justice across Scotland. The Social Renewal Board is due to report in December 2020. We will draw on all of this information to set out a 20-year plan to deliver good quality, affordable, energy efficient, zero carbon housing with access to outdoor space, transport links, digital connectivity and community services, and we will publish the analysis of consultation responses alongside this.

Draft vision and principles for 2040

Housing to 2040 consultation 

We also hosted stakeholder engagement events as part of our consultation. These gave delegates a chance to hear from Scottish Government officials about Housing to 2040 and to share their views.

Stakeholder engagement in 2018 


Email: Housing2040@gov.scot

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