Housing to 2040: consultation on outline policy options

An open letter to stakeholders to support the Housing to 2040 consultation.

Annex B: Guideline Questions



Earlier this year we published our draft vision and principles. A short and longer version are available here: https://www.gov.scot/publications/housing-to-2040/. Do you have any comments on the draft vision and principles?

Please be specific and identify what you would change and why.


Do you have any comments on the scenarios and resilience of the route map or constraints?

These are set out in sections 3 and 4 of Annex C.

For questions 3 to 7 below, when making proposals, please be as specific as you can about:

  • Who needs to make it happen and what type of action is required? E.g. facilitation, regulatory, financial, infrastructure, training etc.
  • How much it costs and who will pay?
  • Who is needed to do the work (workforce)?
  • How long the proposal would take to implement and whether it is a temporary or permanent measure?
  • When in the period 2021 to 2040 should it begin and does anything need to be done first?
  • Who will benefit (who is it for)? And who might lose out and how could this be mitigated? (Think about equality groups and different types of organisation and geography and the impact on the wider community.)
  • How does it help deliver the draft vision? Does it align with the draft principles?

We recognise you may not be able to answer all of these questions – please do not let that put you off responding to us with your proposals.


Do you have any proposals that would increase the affordability of housing in the future?


Do you have any proposals that would increase the accessibility and/or functionality of existing and new housing (for example, for older and disabled people)?


Do you have any proposals that would help us respond to the global climate emergency by increasing the energy efficiency and warmth and lowering the carbon emissions of existing and new housing?


Do you have any proposals that would improve the quality, standards and state of repair of existing and new housing?


Do you have any proposals that would improve the space around our homes and promote connected places and vibrant communities?


Any other comments?


Email: Housing2040@gov.scot

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