Housing to 2040: stakeholder engagement report 2018

A report on stakeholder feedback received following an initial phase of stakeholder engagement in autumn 2018, and an outline of next steps for housing to 2040. 


1. https://www.gov.scot/publications/delivering-today-investing-tomorrow-governments-programme-scotland-2018-19/

2. For more information on these policies, visit www.gov.scot/policies.

3. On 1 December 2017 a new type of tenancy - the private residential tenancy - came into force, replacing the assured and short assured tenancy agreements for all new tenancies. The reform of the PRS provides security, stability and predictability for tenants, and appropriate safeguards for landlords, lenders and investors.

4. This can be found at: https://www.gov.scot/publications/housing-beyond-2021/

5. The Joint Housing Policy and Delivery Group is Scotland's most senior housing stakeholder group. It advises the Scottish Government and COSLA on housing policy, legislation and delivery and the future strategic direction for housing policy. It brings together representatives from the housing sector, COSLA and the Scottish Government, operating on an ethos of co-production and with an emphasis on delivery.

6. Housing and Regeneration Outcomes: A well-functioning housing system; high quality sustainable homes; sustainable communities; and homes that meet people's needs - https://www2.gov.scot/About/Performance/scotPerforms/partnerstories/HARO .

7. Some delegates questioned how helpful it was to split the challenges in this way as it was not possible to draw tight boundaries around the housing system

8. The milestones noted are directly reported based on input from delegates and provide a reflection of what delegates added during the launch event. Following further stakeholder engagement later in 2019 the Beyond 2021 Team will present a route map to 2040.

9. https://www.gov.scot/publications/energy-efficient-scotland-route-map/

10. Wheelchair Accessible Housing Target: Guidance Note.

11. The Scottish Government published its Rent Pressure Zones Requirements document in December 2017 and has been working with City of Edinburgh Council and members of the Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers on the data sources that would evidence the need for a rent pressure zone.

12. The Open Market Shared Equity (OMSE) scheme supports the purchase of existing properties sold on the open market, therefore should have no direct impact on developers.

13. Members of the armed forces, veterans who have left the armed forces within the past two years, and widows, widowers and other partners of service personnel (for up to two years after their partner has lost their life while serving) are already considered as priority access groups under the LIFT schemes

14. Mortgage lenders have recently taken steps to remove this requirement from buy to let mortgages (UK Finance 2018). However, there may be a need to tackle insurance companies who require landlords not to rent to tenants on benefits as a condition of their policy.

15. The Scottish Government established the Short Term Lets Delivery Group in 2018 to examine whether further measures are required to regulate short term lets. The Scottish Government launched its consultation on Short Term Lets on 28 April 2019 - https://consult.gov.scot/housing-services-policy-unit/short-term-lets/

16. The Scottish Government's Rural and Islands Housing Funds aim to increase the supply of affordable housing of all tenures in rural Scotland and contribute to our 50,000 affordable homes target.

17. The power to set VAT rates is reserved to the UK Government.

18. Quote not attributed

19. https://www.gov.scot/publications/scotlands-place-europe-people-jobs-investment/pages/2/

20. https://www.gov.scot/publications/child-chance-tackling-child-poverty-delivery-plan-2018-22/

21. The Scottish Government currently supports low income families through its Best Start Grant and is working towards developing a new income supplement to provide additional financial support for low income families.

22. Scottish Government launched its Financial Health Check service in November 2018.

23. Scottish Government funded ACE trauma training is being offered nationally.

24. The Scottish Government is currently progressing legislation around fuel poverty to set targets and a new definition in law to ensure support is directed to those who need it most.

25. https://www.gov.scot/publications/energy-efficient-scotland-route-map/

26. https://www.gov.scot/publications/ending-homelessness-together-high-level-action-plan/

27. https://www2.gov.scot/Publications/2013/06/9811

28. https://www.securedbydesign.com/ Note: This is a police initiative.

29. Quote not attributed

30. The Scottish Government has been looking at harmonising standards across tenures on the basis of the report of the Common Housing Quality Standard Forum - https://www.gov.scot/publications/common-housing-quality-standard-topic-papers/

31. Local authorities are allocated a nominal element for housing activities in the general capital and resource grants from the Scottish Government, but it is for individual authorities to decide how competing demands for their overall resources are best allocated.

32. https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-house-condition-survey-2017-key-findings/

33. Energy efficiency modelling under SAP does not factor in disrepair, but it is likely that poor condition makes it harder to keep homes warm and dry, and therefore there may be a correlation between underinvestment in condition and improvement.

34. A cross-party working group on tenement maintenance has been set up with the remit to consider and establish solutions to urge, assist and compel owners of tenement properties to maintain their Scheme Property. The Group published an interim report on 16 January 2019 - https://www.befs.org.uk/policy-topics/buildings-maintenance-2/

35. The Scottish House Condition Survey found similar levels of disrepair for private and social housing - https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-house-condition-survey-2017-key-findings/. However, stakeholder concerns may reflect problems with the condition of some private rented housing concentrated in particular areas.

36. The Scottish Government is developing regulations for a mandatory minimum energy efficiency standard in the private rented sector. This will contribute to the Energy Efficient Scotland commitment to improve the energy efficiency of all buildings.

37. Current Scottish Government guidance for local authorities discourages use of grants for the general subsidisation of repair and improvement works by owners, though there can be a role for target schemes - https://www.webarchive.org.uk/wayback/archive/20171002000605/http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2009/03/25153822/2

38. https://www.gov.scot/publications/2018-annual-report-welfare-reform/

39. In March 2018, four local authorities (Fife, City of Edinburgh, Glasgow City and North Ayrshire) made a successful collective bid to the Scottish Government's Citizen's Basic Income Feasibility Fund and have begun research into the feasibility of a Citizen's Basic Income pilot. A full feasibility report is expected by end of March 2020.

40. https://www.jrf.org.uk/report/monitoring-poverty-and-social-exclusion-2014

41. Universal Credit is reserved to the UK Government. The Scottish Government does, however, have limited powers over the way in which Universal Credit is paid in Scotland. The Universal Credit Scottish choices give people living in Scotland the choice to receive their Universal Credit award either monthly or twice monthly and to have their rent paid directly to their landlord.


Email: housing2040@gov.scot

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