
Housing services and integrated health and social care: housing advice note

Guidance for integration authorities, health boards and local authorities on their responsibilities to involve housing services in the integration of health and social care.

Annex 1

Suggested HCS format template

HCS Theme

The Local Housing Contribution

1. Briefly articulate the role of the local housing sector in the governance arrangements for the integration of health & social care.

(Note 1)

2. Provide a brief overview of the shared evidence base and key issues identified in relation to housing needs and the link with health & social care needs.

(Note 2)

3. Set out the shared outcomes and service priorities linking the Strategic Commissioning Plan and Local Housing Strategy.

(Note 3)

4. Provide an overview of the housing- related challenges going forward and improvements required.

(Note 4)

5. Set out the current and future resource and investment required to meet these shared outcomes and priorities. Identify where these will be funded from the Integration Authority's integrated budget and where they will be funded by other (housing) resources.

(Note 5)

6. Additional Statement by Integration Authorities.

(Note 6)

Note 1: Integration Authorities are required to set out the involvement and role of the Local Authority Housing Service, Housing Associations and other housing providers and interests in the governance arrangements for the Health & Social Care Partnership. This should be set out clearly taking into account the various levels of potential involvement in relevant structures such as the Integration Authority, Strategic Planning and Locality Planning. It could also include reference to wider consultation or partnership structures with the housing sector.

Note 2: This should briefly highlight the connection between evidence assembled through the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and the Housing Needs and Demand Assessment (and any associated local housing evidence). It should identify the main housing-related issues for various groups that require a housing contribution to improve health and well-being. For example older people, homeless, disabled people, mental health or other relevant groups. It should also outline any gaps in the joint evidence base and proposals for addressing these.

Note 3: This section should highlight the direct link between the outcomes and service priorities identified in the Strategic Commissioning Plan and the Local Housing Strategy. It should be clear how the housing sector is going to contribute to meeting the outcomes and service priorities in the SCP (which in turn should reflect the contribution to the nine national health and well-being outcomes). Consideration of potential changes to housing services and provision should be part of this.

Note 4: This should set out any challenges identified in the housing system and among providers in improving the housing contribution to health and well-being. Proposals for addressing these challenges should be clearly articulated.

Note 5: This should outline the impact on resources and investment required to deliver the HCS element of the SCP. Consideration should be given to both services and the bricks and mortar element of housing both currently and in the future (at least over the 3 years of the SCP). It should clearly identify key housing resource and investment areas required to implement the SCP and deliver associated shared outcomes and priorities. Examples would include activities associated with adaptations, homelessness and housing support as well as any planned new housing provision to meet particular needs.

Note 6: This section is for Integration Authorities to provide any other additional information that in their view is relevant for their Housing Contribution Statement.



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