
Housing services and integrated health and social care: housing advice note

Guidance for integration authorities, health boards and local authorities on their responsibilities to involve housing services in the integration of health and social care.

6. Locality Planning and the role of Housing

6.6. The development of Locality Planning arrangements is an essential part of the integration agenda. By virtue of section 23(3), all Strategic Commissioning Plans prepared under the Act require to make provision about localities, and Guidance emphasises that they must reflect closely the needs and plans articulated at locality level. All Integration Authorities will have at least two localities as part of their local arrangements for planning and delivering services and these interests must be represented on the overall Strategic Planning Group.

6.7. Once the localities are established, it is imperative that the wider housing sector is involved in both shaping and delivering the Locality Planning arrangements. Housing organisations such as Housing Associations plan and deliver services at locality and neighbourhood level and have an important role in shaping the joint service response to meet housing, health & social care needs. Housing Associations have also the capability and experience of delivering a wide range of innovative housing, care and other services that positively impact on health and well-being. In many localities they play a pivotal role in shaping and regenerating communities. Consideration should also be given to the involvement of users of housing services and their representatives such as tenants and resident groups in Locality Planning.

Key Points on Locality Planning & the role of Housing

  • The wider housing sector such as Housing Associations should be involved in Locality Planning arrangements.
  • Consider the involvement of tenants and residents groups in Locality Planning.



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