
Housing and regeneration outcomes framework: indicator updates

Performance indicators for measuring progress on housing and regeneration outcomes.

Progress towards the Purpose and National Outcomes is tracked by a series of National Indicators and reported on via the National Performance Framework.

In a similar way that the National Indicators within the National Performance Framework provide a high-level indication of progress against the National Outcomes, indicators are being used to gauge progress on each of the four key housing and regeneration outcomes. These indicators draw on existing data sources (already in the public domain) to provide a high-level indication of success on each of the four outcomes. Reported here is the progress on the measurement of the Housing and Regeneration Outcome Indicators:

  • a well-functioning housing system
  • high quality sustainable homes
  • homes that meet peoples needs
  • people live in sustainable communities

Files available for download

  • a summary of all indicators, including the 27 that were updated showing previous and current performance
  • an Excel document which includes further detail on the data sources and figures used to measure progress, and includes Excel versions of the charts and tables used in the commentary
  • a Word document of the commentary, covering all the indicators which includes an overview of the previous and current performance as well as looking at longer term trends.

This is the first update of the HAR indicators since June 2020. For a large number of indicators (13 in total), only an update from 2018 to 2019 is possible, as underlying data sources were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Scottish House Condition Survey was suspended in 2020 and results from the 2020 Scottish Household Survey were not considered sufficiently consistent to be used either for HAR or NPF purposes. In the case of the Fuel Poverty indicator, we have been able to use alternative scenario modelling estimates, published by Scottish Government.

View previous updates to the indicators, which also includes further background information on the housing and regeneration outcomes framework as a whole.

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