Housing Land Audit guidance: impact assessment summary
Summary of impact assessment of Housing Land Audit guidance.
Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA)
Business and Regulatory Impact Assessments (BRIA) help to assess the likely costs, benefits and risks of any proposed primary or secondary legislation, voluntary regulation, codes of practice, policy changes or guidance that may have an impact on the public, private or third sector. The BRIA helps assess the impact of new legislation, as well as other changes such as voluntary guidance or policy changes, even where they do not necessarily present additional obvious burdens. In such cases it can either help confirm understanding that the impact will not change or identify and address unintended impacts which have not been identified. The content of a BRIA should be proportionate to the problem involved and the size of the proposal.
A full BRIA was carried out in support of NPF4, which included detailed assessment of Policy 16 Quality Homes, therefore it is not considered to be necessary to carry out additional full BRIAs on the housing land audit guidance as it does not introduce any new policy requirements. An update to the NPF4 BRIA is included at page 7, noting additional stakeholder engagement carried out in the preparation of the updated HLA guidance.
Email: chief.planner@gov.scot
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