
Housing Land Audit guidance: impact assessment summary

Summary of impact assessment of Housing Land Audit guidance.

Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA)

The public sector equality duty requires the Scottish Government to assess the impact of applying a proposed new or revised policy or practice. Equality legislation covers the protected characteristics of: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex (gender) and sexual orientation. EQIAs should always be proportionate to the action or activity. Screening should be carried out early on in policy development process to determine whether the Public Sector Equality Duty applies.

Equality Impact Assessment not required declaration

Policy title: Housing Land Audit Guidance

Which National Outcome(s) does the policy contribute to? We live in communities that are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe.

Directorate: Division: Planning, Architecture and Regeneration Directorate, Transforming Planning Unit

Policy lead responsible for taking the decision: Carrie Thomson

Please record why you are not carrying out an EQIA and what your justification is for making that decision: The policy requirement for planning authorities to prepare Housing Land Audits is included in National Planning Framework 4, which was subject to a full IIA. This is an update to technical guidance to assist with implementation of this policy.

In addition to this all four screening questions result in a negative response, confirming that an EQIA is not required.

I confirm that the decision to not carry out an EQIA has been authorised by:

Name and job title of Deputy Director (or equivalent): Dr Fiona Simpson

Date: 4 December 2024



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