Housing Land Audit: guidance

Guidance for planning authorities to support preparation of Housing Land Audits.


Term in use / Explanation of term

Affordable home / affordable housing

Good quality homes that are affordable to people on low incomes. This can include social rented, mid-market rented, shared-ownership, shared-equity, housing sold at discount (including plots for self-build), self-build plots and low cost housing without subsidy.


A house (or flat) which has been built and is capable of being occupied.

Constrained site

Land that has one or more factors constraining delivery and where there is no current commitment to overcoming these constraints. Development is not able to be delivered at this stage.

Deliverable land

Land that is free from constraints or there is a commitment to overcome constraints, and development is able to be delivered in the period identified for the site within the deliverable housing land pipeline.

Deliverable (with constraints)

Land that has one or more constraints, where there is a commitment to overcome constraints, and development is able to be delivered in the period identified for the site within the deliverable housing land pipeline.

Deliverable housing land pipeline

The expected sequencing of the Local Housing Land Requirement over the short (1-3 years), medium (4-6 years) and long-term (7-10 years), set out in the Local Development Plan Delivery Programme.

Delivery Programme

A document, approved by full council, which sets out how the local development plan will be delivered.

Evidence Report

A supporting document to the local development plan. An Evidence Report summarises the evidence base for those proposals and policies set out in the development plan and demonstrates that appropriate consultation has been undertaken and regard given to the views of the community.

Housing Land Audit (HLA)

The annual Housing Land Audit will monitor the delivery of housing land including past completions and future programming. It will inform the pipeline and actions to be taken in the Delivery Programme.

Local Development Plan (LDP)

A local development plan is a plan in which it is set out, for land in the part of the district to which it relates:

  • a spatial strategy, being a detailed statement of the planning authority's policies and proposals as to the development and use of the land;
  • such other matters as may be prescribed; and,
  • any other matter which the planning authority consider it appropriate to include.

It forms part of the statutory development plan.

Local Housing Land Requirement (LHLR)

The amount of land required for housing, as identified by the Local Development Plan. The Local Housing Land Requirement (LHLR) is expected to exceed the 10 year Minimum All-Tenure Housing Land Requirement (MATHLR) set out in the National Planning Framework.

Local Housing Strategy (LHS)

Local Housing Strategies were introduced as part of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 to widen the strategic and enabling role for local authorities in relation to housing in their area. The LHS sets out the outcomes the Council and its partners want to achieve, and the actions they will take, to address housing need and demand in their area.

Minimum All-Tenure Housing Land Requirement

There is a statutory requirement for the National Planning Framework to contain targets for the use of land in different areas of Scotland for housing. To meet this, the National Planning Framework includes a Minimum All-Tenure Housing Land Requirement (MATHLR) for each planning authority in Scotland. The MATHLR is the minimum amount of land, by reference to the number of housing units, that is to be provided by each planning authority in Scotland for a 10 year period, as set out in NPF4 Annex E. The MATHLR is expected to be exceeded in the local development plan’s Local Housing Land Requirement.

National Planning Framework (NPF)

Scotland’s fourth National Planning Framework (NPF4) is a long term plan looking to 2045 that guides spatial development, sets out national planning policies, designates national developments and highlights regional spatial priorities.

It is part of the development plan, and so influences planning decisions across Scotland.


Land that is considered incapable of becoming deliverable.


Email: chief.planner@gov.scot

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