
Housing needs of minority ethnic groups: evidence review

This report provides a review of the literature on the housing needs and experiences of minority ethnic groups in Scotland, and presents results of secondary data analysis. The research also identifies gaps in the evidence and suggests areas where further research could be useful.

Annex 1 – Minority ethnic groups by local authority

Annex 1 – Minority ethnic groups by local authority
Local Authority Area 2011 White: Scottish White: Other British White: Irish White: Gypsy Traveller White: Polish White: Other White Mixed or multiple ethnic groups Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British African Caribbean or Black Other ethnic groups
Aberdeen City 167727 16910 2213 279 7031 10555 1488 9519 5042 588 1441
Aberdeenshire 207936 31158 1162 175 3020 5661 771 2037 490 269 294
Angus 102316 8884 530 189 1014 1535 264 921 125 75 125
Argyll & Bute 69497 14675 721 96 515 1563 277 565 113 78 66
Clackmannanshire 45387 3829 306 68 499 559 128 536 87 21 22
Dumfries & Galloway 121563 24462 1063 102 983 1380 413 1032 127 72 127
Dundee City 123827 7783 1369 98 1990 3393 685 5838 1170 269 846
East Ayrshire 114184 5574 633 60 230 683 253 909 77 70 94
East Dunbartonshire 93051 5026 1248 27 144 1126 420 3437 172 69 306
East Lothian 85347 9244 870 13 811 1726 363 955 179 107 102
East Renfrewshire 78794 3740 1390 16 223 1048 386 4571 124 44 238
Edinburgh, City of 334987 56132 8603 388 12820 24237 4087 26264 4474 1031 3603
Eilean Siar 24066 2903 126 10 60 274 67 142 7 11 18
Falkirk 142432 7025 882 145 1080 1473 334 2073 205 126 215
Fife 312957 31464 2260 316 3058 6495 1257 5748 704 422 517
Glasgow City 466241 24154 11228 407 8406 14125 2879 47758 12440 1806 3801
Highland 185430 34135 1389 291 3425 4311 664 1866 208 199 214
Inverclyde 76428 2485 710 8 112 633 179 748 90 43 49
Midlothian 74875 4795 474 72 455 1044 210 910 159 99 94
Moray 72470 16823 430 79 985 1476 232 599 88 57 56
North Ayrshire 127140 7204 948 58 247 1051 319 948 83 65 83
North Lanarkshire 313356 7892 4394 205 3009 1823 708 5385 532 171 252
Orkney Islands 16960 3777 100 3 84 269 39 89 13 4 11
Perth & Kinross 119916 16597 1136 415 2482 3130 471 1852 232 151 270
Renfrewshire 159708 5805 1643 70 1298 1603 437 3110 804 119 311
Scottish Borders 89741 18624 767 64 1302 1902 316 733 207 91 123
Shetland Islands 18700 3285 199 8 164 457 72 234 23 8 17
South Ayrshire 100967 7933 906 98 381 1095 282 895 93 46 103
South Lanarkshire 287491 12068 3187 203 1140 2536 779 5156 664 207 399
Stirling 74025 9706 826 68 578 2187 323 2062 188 74 210
West Dunbartonshire 84344 2813 1168 102 382 497 178 845 261 30 100
West Lothian 153815 10204 1209 79 3273 2270 534 2941 457 118 218



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