
Housing needs of minority ethnic groups: evidence review

This report provides a review of the literature on the housing needs and experiences of minority ethnic groups in Scotland, and presents results of secondary data analysis. The research also identifies gaps in the evidence and suggests areas where further research could be useful.


This report provides a review of the literature on the housing needs and experiences of minority ethnic groups in Scotland, and presents results of secondary data analysis. The report assesses the available evidence before the Covid-19 pandemic, and provides a baseline against which the housing related impacts of Covid-19 on minority ethnic households can be considered. The report accompanies a review of the literature on the accommodation needs of Gypsy/Travellers in Scotland, which was published in October 2020[4]. A review of minority ethnic employment in the housing sector in Scotland is intended to be produced in 2021. These reports form part of the housing research actions outlined in the Race Equality Action Plan 2017-2021 (REAP)[5]

1.1 Research questions

The following research questions have been developed to inform this report:

1. What are the trends in housing for minority ethnic groups?

2. What are the specific housing experiences of minority ethnic groups?

3. What barriers, if any, do minority ethnic groups face in finding and securing housing in Scotland? 

4. To what extent does ethnicity interact with other protected characteristics and how does this affect housing experiences and outcomes?

5. What are the specific housing needs of minority ethnic groups, in terms of tenure, quality and size etc? 

6. To what extent are the specific housing needs of minority ethnic groups currently being met?

7. What is being done, and what more can be done, to meet the specific housing needs of minority ethnic groups?

8. What impact has the new private residential tenancy (PRT) had on minority ethnic tenants in the PRS

The report begins with a brief note on terminology and clearly delineates the scope of the review. It then assesses the evidence base, drawing on both academic and grey literature[6] sources, and discusses the evidence as follows: 

  • The evidence base – assessing the nature of the evidence 
  • Housing trends
  • Housing needs and experiences
  • Selected case studies

The report concludes with a discussion of the research questions, highlights key gaps in evidence and discusses further research possibilities.



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