
Housing options (PREVENT1) statistics in Scotland: 2023-24

Information on housing options services in Scotland in the period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

Household circumstances

The most common reason for Housing Options approaches remains general housing options advice

Chart 2: Top eight most common reasons for Housing Options approaches, 2023-24

Bar chart showing the most common reasons for making a housing options approach for 2023-24

The proportion reporting ‘risk of losing accommodation’ was the highest in the time series. The number of approaches reporting this as a reason for approach increased 29% (from 3,955 to 5,096) in the last year.

Conversely, ‘Non-violent household disputes’ were at their lowest proportion in the time series. This was a decrease of 2% from last year in the number of approaches noting this as a reason (from 4,638 to 4,537).

Parental / family home remains the most common property type from which households make an approach

Chart 3: Top seven property types from which households made an approach, 2023-24 [LA refers to local authority and RSL refers to registered social landlord]

Bar chart showing the most common property types from which households made an approach for 2023-24The number of households approaching from supported accommodation was the highest in the series with an increase from 1,332 to 2,262 (70%) in the last year. This was largely due to Glasgow, with similar increases experienced for homeless households.

A large proportionate increase was also experienced from approaches from Bed & Breakfast accommodation (119% from 141 to 309). However, it should be noted that approches from Bed & Breakfast accommodation only account for 1% of the overall total.












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