
Housing options (PREVENT1) statistics in Scotland: 2023-24

Information on housing options services in Scotland in the period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

Prevention activity

There were a total of 86,628 prevention activities carried out, a 7% increase compared to last year. 

Largest increase was for rent, repairs, referrals and negotations with landlords

Chart 4: Activity types carried out, as a proportion of all, 2022-23 and 2023-24

Bar chart showing types of prevention activity carried out from 2022-23 to 2023-24The largest numerical decrease was for ‘referrals to health / social work / employment services’ (from 3,798 to 3,121, 18%).

Most prevention activity is undertaken by the local authority housing department

Chart 5: Organisation carrying out prevention activity, 2023-24 [LA refers to local authority]

Pie chart showing the organisation carrying out prevention activities in 2023-24There has been an increase in the proportion of activities undertaken by local authority revenues and benefits department. This is due to Dumfries & Galloway restructuring services, with a focus on prevention.

Type of prevention activity

Local authorities may undertake several activities related to Housing Options approaches. These are grouped in to three types, based on ‘workload’, where type I is considered the least resource intensive and type III is the most resource intensive.

  • Type I – Active Information, Sign-posting and Explanation
  • Type II – Casework
  • Type III – Advocacy, Representation and Mediation at Tribunal or Court Action Level

Of all approaches in 2023-24, 44% involved providing active information, sign-posting or explanation only and 56% involved casework (note: these may also have included type I activities).

Very few local authorities report advocacy work, with East Lothian, Angus and West Lothian being highest with 8%, 2% and 1%, respectively.



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