Housing options (PREVENT1) statistics in Scotland: 2022-23

Information on housing options services in Scotland in the period from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.


Over half of Housing Options approaches result in a homelessness application, though the proportion is lower than previous years

Chart 6: Outcomes of Housing Options approaches, 2022-23 [LA refers to local authority, RSL refers to Registered social landlord and PRS refers to private rented sector]

Doughnut chart showing the outcomes of housing option approaches in 2022-23

There was an 11% increase in Housing Options approaches closed in 2022-23 (40,970) compared to 2021-22 (36,960).

Just over half of those resulted in a homelessness application (52%) compared to between 55% and 57% in each year from 2018-19 to 2021-22.

The proportion of outcome ‘remained in current accommodation’ increased from 21% in 2021-22 to 25% in 2022-23.

While 5% of outcomes were 'local authority / registered social landlord tenancy’, many of those who make a homelessness application will also go on to a local authority or registered social landlord tenancy.

Similar to 2021-22, East Dunbartonshire has the highest proportion with an outcome of ‘remained in current accommodation’ (83%) and Fife had the highest proportion with an outcome of ‘local authority / registered social landlord tenancy’ (32%).

East Lothian continues to have the highest proportion with an outcome of ‘private rented sector tenancy’ (26%) while in Eilean Siar and Clackmannanshire the majority of outcomes are ‘made a homelessness application’ (100% and 98% respectively).

Across Scotland, it took an average of 138 days to close a Housing Options case (that did not result in a homelessness application). This has increased from 116 days in 2021-22.

Time to close cases varies greatly by local authority, which may be reflective of the differences in Housing Options service provision and case management between local authorities. As previously noted, there are cases that are known by local authorities to be closed but where data has not yet been submitted to reflect this, which will impact on average time statistics.


Email: homelessness_statistics_inbox@gov.scot

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