Housing options (PREVENT1) statistics in Scotland: 2022-23

Information on housing options services in Scotland in the period from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.

Prevention activity

Most prevention activity continues to be general housing advice or informing clients of rights under homelessness legislation

Chart 4: Activity types carried out, as a proportion of all, 2022-23

Bar chart showing types of prevention activity carried out in 2022-23

There were higher proportions of ‘General housing/tenancy rights advice’ and ‘client informed of rights under homelessness legislation’ compared to the previous year, 36% and 28% respectively.

However there was a general reduction in the number of activites recorded overall from 92,721 in 2021-22 to 78,837. This can be largely attributed to Falkirk who noted this is explained by changes to how cases are managed and their new housing management system. Continued quality assurance means that Falkirk figures may be revised in the future.

Most prevention activity is undertaken by the local authority housing department

Chart 5: Organisation carrying out prevention activity, 2022-23 [LA refers to local authority]

Pie chart showing the organisation carrying out prevention activities in 2022-23

Type of prevention activity

Local authorities may undertake several activities related to Housing Options approaches. These are grouped in to three types, based on ‘workload’, where type I is considered the least and type III is the most.

  • type I – Active Information, Sign-posting and Explanation
  • type II – Casework
  • type III – Advocacy, Representation and Mediation at Tribunal or Court Action Level

Of all approaches in 2022-23, 45% involved providing active information, sign-posting or explanation only and 55% involved casework (note: these may also have included type I activities).

Very few local authorities report advocacy work, with East Lothian, West Dunbartonshire and Angus being highest with 6%, 3% and 2%, respectively.


Email: homelessness_statistics_inbox@gov.scot

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